Thirty Seven

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"Why can't you just put everything behind you? I thought we were okay!" Bailey shouted. Oops, look's like I said that out loud.

"And I thought you were my best friend! But obviously not!" I snapped.

"Well look's like we were never best friends if you can't put one stupid thing behind you!" She shouted, even louder this time.

"It's not one stupid thing, Bailey! You cheated on your boyfriend with my boyfriend! And don't forget, you obviously didn't care because you were all over Michael after we found out!" I yelled back.

"You know what Liv?" She started, "I hate you!"

"Good, because I hate you too!" I screamed, running out of the dressing room and up the corridor not knowing where I was going.


I shot up from where I was sleeping, next to Luke, which luckily didn't wake him up. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get the dream out of my head by thinking about other things but the only thing I could think of was Michael.  Why Michael? Luke is right next to me and I'm thinking about Michael. I looked around the room, seeing that everyone was still asleep. I yawned, checked the time on my phone and it read '02:37'. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and guess who was standing there? Michael fucking Clifford, that's who.

I took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water, sitting on the chair  across from where Michael  was standing. And he just had to sit next me didn't he. I have so many emotions towards him: Anger, confusion, suspicion, doubt and maybe even affection. But I can't go back to Michael, I told Luke I loved him and I can't break his heart.

"Liv?" I heard Michael say, worry in his voice.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered, not sure if he had been talking to me or not.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked and I  turned my head so I could look at his beautiful green eyes. What am I doing? I can't be thinking about this right now. I shook my head in response and he sighed. "I said I miss you," he told me.

"I- uhh," I didn't know what to say. I can't tell him I miss him too.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk but I need to show you something," He said. I nodded my head and he took his phone from the charger on the table, opening twitter and his timeline was full of pictures of Luke and a girl that wasn't me or Bailey.

"Wha- ho- wh-" I couldn't even form my words properly and I just ended up crying instead.

Michael wrapped his arms around me and I cried into the material of his black t-shirt. I forgot how good it felt to be in Michael's arms. I missed the feeling. I felt like nobody could hurt me, well except the person who had his arms around me but I don't care about that anymore. I just want him back. I need him back. I pulled away from him and wiped my tears away from my eyes, I've been hurt to many times and I wont let Luke get to me.

"I have an idea but we need to make sure no one hears, okay?" I eventually said and Michael nodded his head in response.

"Text me?" He suggested.

"Good idea," I gave him a genuine smile and went to get my phone from where I left it.

When I opened the door to the living area thing, I still don't know what it's called yet, Luke was awake probably texting that slut he was with in that picture. "Hey," He greeted and I gave him a fake smile in return. I took my phone from the table in the corner and went to my bunk.

To Michael:
So, the plan?

I heard his phone go off from the other side of the corridor which meant he was in his bunk as well. I rolled my eyes when he whispered 'shit' knowing he forgot to put his phone on silent.

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