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I woke up to my phone blaring 'LA Girl' by the Janoskians. I picked up the phone, not checking the time.

"Where are you!" Bailey screamed down the phone.

"Woah, what time is it?!" I asked.

"It's three o'clock! Where are you!" She shouted again.

"I'm on my way calm down, I'll see you in a few, bye," I said as I hung up. I pulled on my black skinny jeans, my white vest top and Michael's 'idiot' flannel. I put my red hair into a messy bun, using Mali's mirror. I ran down the stairs and shoved on my black converse. I dragged Luke and Michael out of the house and into Luke's car.

"Hey! I was eating!" Luke complained.

"Tough luck, now drive to the airport," I said, poking him in the ribs. He started driving as I took my phone out to text Bailey.

To BaileyXx
Hey Bailey be there soon wait outside the entrance.

I quickly pressed send and put my phone back in my pocket as we got to the airport.

"Is that my shirt?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe," I replied, smiling. Just then I saw a pink haired girl frantically waving her hands at me. I started running towards her, dragging Luke and Michael behind me.

"BAILEY!!!" I shouted.

"LIV!!" Bailey and Her mum, Sarah shouted.

"Who are these lovely boys, Liv," Sarah winked. Sarah has always been like a mother to me even before Bailey moved from New York .Sarah was my mums best friend and even before Bailey moved to the UK Sarah always said we would be best friends if she ever moved away from her dad. And it was true, we are best friends. best friends for life.

"Mum!" Bailey shouted.

"What? Just curious," Sarah laughed. Sarah was young when Bailey was born, that's why she went to live with her dad after birth. Sarah was only a teenager when Bailey was born and her dad was twenty four. They met when Sarah went on holiday with her parents to New York.

I just laughed at them. "This is Luke," I said pointing to the blonde boy with a lip ring. Luke gave a small wave to Bailey and Sarah. "And this is Michael," I said, looking up at the boy with electric blue hair. He also waved at Bailey and Sarah.

"Come on then, Calum's waiting!" I shouted, grabbing one of Baileys bags.

"What about Ashton?" Bailey questioned.

"It's a long story, he might be there he might not, who the fuck knows," I replied. I was really worried about Ashton and I wanted to know why he had gone to see Aimee and why the others got angry when Calum told them where he was.

"Oh, okay," Bailey smiled, following Luke to his car. Luke put Bailey and Sarah's bags in the boot of the car as we all piled in. Sarah in the front, Luke driving, Bailey, Michael and I squashed into the back. Bailey and I started talking about what happened back in the UK and what happened over here in Australia and soon enough we got to Calum's house.

We all got out the car, leaving Bailey and Sarah's bags in the back. I knocked on the door so Calum knew we were coming in. I slowly opened the door, Luke and Michael rushing past me to grab their guitars. Bailey and Sarah followed them, getting shocked when they heard the guitars playing. Calum, Luke, Michael and I started singing the song we wrote called Try Hard.

"She dropping outta school 'cause she don't need the grades.
The colours in her hair don't seem to fade.
I get dressed up when I go out, but she gets dressed down.

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