1~That One Morning

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okay this is a rewrite btw, cause I got better at writing lmao, so yeah.


I look into the mirror, adjusting my navy blue tie, the broken light flickering above me.

Today is going to be great.

I look back up at the mirror's cracked surface, fixing my beanie. The fan above me shuts off and leaves me in complete and utter silence, the dim light above me buzzing occasionally. The silence leaves room for my watch's ticks to be heard echoing through the empty bathroom. I extend my hand out to the mirrored surface, grazing my hand across the chipping glass.

A small shard of glass sticks in my thumb. I look at it, a frown coming across my face. I quickly wipe it off onto my suit, picking out the glass. I give one last look in the mirror, smiling, before turning around, opening the loud industrial door.

I begin strolling down the dark and barren office building, the loud clicks of my shoes echoing throughout the desolate building's walls.

I get to my office space, opening my door and throwing my coat on the hanger. I slide my keys across my desk, not even caring at this point. I hear the keys smack against my coffee cup, the noise being echoed out of the cup.

I slowly look from the wall to my desk, my attention going to that cup. I walk to my desk, standing over the small table, grabbing my cup off of it. I smile at the sight, turning the glass around to read the words printed in bold.

"Worlds best friend!"

I smile, remembering the person who had gifted me that cup. I was 17. It was Karl, he had gotten it for me, a present for finally getting a job. It was a running joke. If I got a job, I'd be fired immediately for doing pot. Then again I also had hooked up with a customer. That's how I lost my bakery job, hooked up with a random customer that just so happened to be god?

It was a weird situation... I don't want to talk about it.

I glance over, my a blank expression covering my face as I stared at the empty wall, the coffee machine in the corner where I just so happened to be staring. Oh? Coffee sounds nice right now.

I hold my coffee cup, wiping the inside out. Finally, I'll use this cup after like 6 years.

I open the coffee machine, pouring the coffee beans in, the boiling water filtering through to create a sweet scent in the Autumn air, the coffee making me smile. It was a nice treat, seeing as life for me wasn't so great at this time. It was something I could look forward to, the so called 'house' I owned being ran down and destroyed, the ceiling leaking, the room a mess.

I had been struggling with my mental health for a while, last year it hitting like a fucking truck. I let myself go, I truly did. I gave up. My boss took symphony for me, not much of course. If he had decided he was being too mean, he'd stop, while for the others he'd pressure them until they cried. It wasn't comforting. In fact it was stressful.

I always hated pity. It made me feel like I needed them, which I don't. I'm perfectly fine on my own. I don't need anyone.

I hear the noise of the coffee being dispensed in front of me, my inner thoughts being distracted. I take the hot coffee, the aroma in the room being warm and welcoming. Instead of smiling, I frown.

My thoughts were getting to me again..

I open my desk drawer, grabbing out one of my depression meds from the messy drawer. I take out one, staring at it with empty contentment.

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