27~President Soot?

352 19 5

my love language is terrorism. 😝

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I finally sit up a bit, looking at Schlatt with an eyebrow raised. Before I could say anything, I saw as the two entered the living room, Wilbur sitting down on the couch across the room. Fundy sat there playing on his phone, the small fox not obviously not wanting to be here. 
     "Hey man, how's it going." Wilbur greets the ram, his posture being calmed. I stretch a bit, getting out of Schlatt's lap, instead sitting next to him.
     "Sorry, we were taking a nap whenever you came in." Schlatt apologizes, glancing up to me, "would you mind putting some tea on?"

I nod, getting up from the couch to begin walking towards the kitchen, Wilbur smiling at me. I stop mid-tracks, turning my attention to the fox boy. 
     "Fundy, do you wanna go with me?" I ask, looking at the fox. He glances up to me, nodding and putting his phone away.

I walk out the door, closing it behind us. We both begin walking towards the kitchen, the familiar smell of the alcohol fading as I walked away from the ram. I let out a sigh of relief as I walked into the kitchen, opening a window to try and get fresh air. The boy looked at my weird, not questioning it. 

I open the cabinet, grabbing out a teapot out, pouring water in it, setting it on the warm stove. I set it to a boil and lean against the counter, Fundy grabbing a chair and sitting down in it, looking up at me. 
     "So, why did you ask me to go with you?" The younger asks.
     "Oh, I didn't wanna go alone, that's all." I answer the kid's question, jumping up on the counter sitting on it.
     "Oh, okay." Fundy nods his head, swiping the hair in front of his face. 

I watch the pot, waiting for it to boil.
     "Not to be rude but, does your dad come here often?" I ask, the tea coming to a boil. 
      "No, not particularly." He shrugs, glancing out the window.
      "Weird." I mumble, hopping off the counter and putting a tea packet in the boiling water, smelling the sweet scent. 

I glance at the kid and back at the tea. I walk over to the fridge, still glancing at the tea. I open it, grabbing out a juice box out of the drawer, throwing it at the boy.

Fundy barely catches it, giving a confused look. He looks at the pouch in his paws, looking back up at me. 
     "What is it?" He asks, looking up at me. I stare in disbelief. This kid has never had a juice box.

     "It's juice, you take the straw and puncture the top." I show him how to do it, he just looks up at me. He shrugs, using his teeth instead of the obvious straw. 
     "That works... I guess..." I stare at him, not paying attention to the tea.

I hear the tea pot whistle, my attention going to it. I immediately rush over, turning off the heat. I grab some tea cups out of the cabinet, placing them on a small tray. I grab three out, looking at the kid who was enjoying his juice.
     "Do you want tea or do you want another juice?" I ask, opening the cabinet again.
     "Juice." I hear a muffled voice say, sipping on the first one. I laugh a bit under my breath at the sight, setting down the tray and grabbing out another juice. I hand it to him, Fundy giving me a sweet smile. 

I place all of the stuff on the tray, including the pot, walking towards the living room, Fundy walking close behind me. 

We both walk into the living room, me setting tray on the coffee table, Schlatt giving me a sweet smile. I sit down next to him, Fundy sitting on the floor next to his dad. 

     "Thanks dear." Schlatt turns to me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile at him, crossing my legs, joining the conversation. I pour the all of us three a cup, handing all of them their tea. 

They both thank me and continue their conversation. 

"Anyways, continue." Schlatt took a sip from his tea, listening to his co-worker.

"I'm going to be president."


finally, actual dsmp lore in this god forsaken story. 


Summary: Wilbur and Fundy came over, Wilbur is going to be president.

Words:735 <3

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