11~ Nihachu, the Savior

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Helllo this chapter is another cute one. I love Niki man.


I walk into the building, practically hiding my face. Schlatt had gone in before me, so he was already in his office. I glance around down Niki's hallway, seeing if her office was lit up, thankfully, it was. I quickly shuffled towards her office, trying not to make much noise. 

I slowly knock on her door, glancing around every once and a while.
    "Oh! Come in." I hear her gentle voice call out to me. I walk in, closing the door quickly behind me.
     "Oh my goodness! Quackity? What happened?" She gets up from her desk, walking over to me.
     "Karl is really worried about you, you know?" She stands in front of me, pushing her glasses back on her face.
     "I'm not sure what Karl's worried about, I'm fine." I obviously lie. I know exactly why he's worried.

     "Well, what can I do for you?" Niki grabs her cup of coffee and sits back down at her desk.
     "Is there any possible way you can...  check my nose?" I ask.
     "Check your nose?" She raises an eyebrow, taking a sip out of her coffee.
     "Would you mind checking if it's broke or not?" I point at my nose.
     "Oh of course I will." She gets up, setting down her coffee and going over to me.
     "So what exactly happened?" She asks, touching my nose.
     "Oh uh... I got in a fight with someone..." I technically tell the truth.
     "Do you know who?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.
     "Don't remember." I lie.
     "Oh? They really knocked you out huh." She finds the fucked up part of my noise. 

     "Is it on your bridge?" She asks, feeling the bridge of my nose.
     "I'm not sure- Yep!" I quietly wince as she touches my bridge of my nose.
    "Yeah your nose is extremely messed up. Whoever you got in a fight with really messed you up." Niki mumbles, looking up at me.
     "I would recommend not touching it, I already moved the bone back to the proper place so it would heal correctly." She points at the bone, explaining it. 

     "Oh yeah would you mind doing some make-up to attempt to hide the bruises on my arms." I pull up my sleeve and show her.
     "Oh yeah of course. Would you mind if I'd ask how this happened?" Niki grabs her make-up bag.
     "Oh uh same fight." I lie.
    "No, you're face was fresher than these, the bruises were made about 1-2 days ago while your nose was made recent." Niki grabs her make-up brush and raises her eyebrow.
    "So either you get into a lot of fights, or are lying." Niki grabs out the different colors of concealer. 

     "Relationship problems." I finally break and tell her. She immediately looks up at me.
    "Did they..." Niki looks confused, pointing at my face.
    "Yeah... " I look away, regretting telling her.
     "But don't tell Karl please!" I practically beg.
    "How come?" She asks, testing concealer on my skin, finding my skin tone. 

     "That would make him super worried." I ramble.
     "And a couple bruises isn't that bad." I look at her.
     "Do you know what I mean?" I ask.
     "Well.... I suppose.. When did they hurt you last?" She nods, focused on the make-up.

     "Yesterday afternoon, somewhere from 12-1pm." I look at her.
     "Oh... Karl went looking for you about that time.." Niki looked extremely sad.
     "Don't feel bad, I can take a couple punches." I sorta joke.
     "It still makes me feel crappy that Karl was looking for you whilst you were getting your ass kicked." Niki frowns.
     "Oh yeah, Sapnap got pretty messed up, did you hear about that?" Niki changes the subject.
     "Sorta? I can't remember anything from last night. He hit me so hard it knocked me out." I put my hand on my head.
     "He?" She asks.
     "Yeah he." I confirm.
    "I didn't know you were gay?" She looks at me.
    "Yeah me neither."

She finishes the make-up and I thank her, I then walk to my office, ready to do some paperwork. Finally, once in so long, I'm actually excited to do paperwork. I plop down in my chair, exhausted.


This chapter was kinda cute ngl. If you couldn't tell Niki is one of my favorite mcyts. In this Niki is like good at.... doctering...? What is the word for that? Idk? 

Summary: Quackity told Niki about the whole thing, Niki cleaned up his bruises, Quackity is in his office rn.

The next chapter is Smut, I've been working on it for like a week, it's pretty good 

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