17~One Last Goodbye/Hide and Seek

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TW/CW: Knives, Blood, Abuse, Alcohol, Suicidal Thoughts

boy oh boy is this chapter interesting 😀


I wake up, the second time today still on the couch in the living room, everywhere around me being pitch black. I look around, trying to find the clock. I soon realize the room is way too dark for me to see anything.

I hear the faint sounds of footsteps nearing, the dreaded sound I always hated. The door had creaked opening slowly, the room over being darker than the one I was in. I hold my breath hoping it was e my imagination but of course, it was Schlatt.

My eyes get adjusted to the light (or lack of) as I watch him sit down on the chair, a cup of alcohol in his hands. I stay silent, not moving, curious about what he would do next.

He stares at me, sipping the alcohol every once and a while. He watches me like a hawk watches its prey. I controlled my breathing, trying not to get caught being awake. I don't know what would happen if he knew I was awake.

He'd cuss me out, beat me, punish me, anything imaginable. I mean anything. That man's mind is full of all sorts of evil, malicious shit. I'm always the back-end of his bad days. Someone doesn't get his paperwork done, he treats me like shit. It's an evil circle of hatred. There's nothing I can do about it either, it's the cons of being in a relationship.

I mean or he is just making sure I'm okay? It's not like he would do all that terrible shit... Unless he's drunk? I sniff the air, smelling the smell of alcohol. Yeah, he's drunk. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Is my phone near me? I hope.

I finally earn the courage to pretend to stretch, pretending to wake up.

"You've been awake for about 5 minutes," Schlatt answers, setting down his cup, and walking towards me.

"Heh.... yeah... why were you watching me..?" I ask, changing the topic. Extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you drinking..?" I finally ask, sitting up, the headache coming back.

We stay in silence as he stares me down.

"You know..." He finally breaks the silence, standing up from his seat. Shit, I made him mad.

"I saw those looks you were giving Wilbur." I watch him get closer to me, kneeling beside me. My body begins to shake, and fear runs through my body.

"I'm not fucking stupid." He brings his hand up, causing me to flinch from the sudden movement.

"Stop flinching, I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was shallow, meaningless. I watch him grab my face, gripping it to where it was almost impossible to speak. "I don't want you saying shit about tonight, got it?" His eyes were empty abysses of pure and utter hatred, fueled by an ounce of alcoholism. His eyes were hot at times, scary the other. He glared at me, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"I would hit you, but then your friends would be up my ass." Schlatt lets go of my face, pushing me away.

"If I don't, no proof." He grabs his cup, drinking the rest of his drink. My breaths became broken in fear and worry. The room was pure darkness, the atmosphere was suffocating, the dim light of the moon shining on his golden eyes.

"Th-There's plenty of proof." I stand up, stuttering from my body shaking. My legs were like Jell-O. It felt like I was going to collapse. For one, I was sick. For two, I was fucking horrified.

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