
405 22 11

-Me "What's your opinion on gold fish?"
-Dad "Racist."
-Me "Care to elaborate?"
-Dad *changes subject*

Context, it was a 4 hour car ride, it was 11pm. Other than that, there is no context.

anyways, that's how my week's going.


As we're watching the movie, he slowly scoots closer to me, placing his arm around my shoulder. Usually I would take that movement as comfort, but right now, I took it as a threat. I immediately flinch, scooting away, insanely uncomfortable with any movement from this man. Schlatt rolls his eyes, scooting back to his side of the couch. 

We sit in uncomfortable silence for most of the movie, neither of us trying to make a move on the other. It was... weird.. It was almost like he was trying to say something, but just couldn't. But so was I? It was odd. 

     "So uhm... when's Tubbo going to be back." I attempt to make conversation, not expecting him to answer, hell to even listen.
      "Well, I'm pretty sure Friday." Schlatt responds, looking over at me. "So yeah, we'll get them for the weekend." Schlatt mumbles the last bit. I nod, kinda glad he was attempting to talk to me. Maybe he's not that bad?  
     "Okay..." I smile at him, awkwardly scooting towards him, catching him off guard.

 He scoots closer to me, so we're both in the middle of the couch. He puts his hand around my shoulder bringing me closer. I flinch a bit, but not scooting away this time. I lay my head on his shoulder, a smile forming on my face as I close my eyes a bit. 

He placing a blanket around us and we continue the movie like that. It was nice. Human contact is nice at times. Maybe I do love him? Do I? Stop, it's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap, it's a lie, he doesn't love me... but I do? What the hell is wrong with me.

I couldn't focus on the movie, Schlatt's above me distracting me. I couldn't help being scared of him. Sure, he was my lover, but the things he had done had scarred me. Not only scarred my skin, but beyond that. The scars have dug deep inside my heart.

My shaky body was extremely noticeable. It may have been fear, or it may have been my body trying to warn me to stay away? I'll never be sure. 

His scent was a scent you could smell from anywhere. It was a mixture of alcohol, cigarettes', and cologne. The cigarettes' were from him smoking in the house, the house usually having a smoky atmosphere because of it, the alcohol from him downing his problems. The cologne was a way of attempting to hide the piercing smell of his bad habits. 

I usually showered any time I left the house, downing myself in flower like scents, attempting to get the terrible smells and thoughts out of my mind. It wouldn't work.

I would think about the problems at home everywhere I went. It was beyond terrible. I would tell Karl only the good stuff, not bothering telling him the bad stuff. I hated pity. I hated pity with all of my heart. It was meaningless. Useless. Just like me.

Sapnap and I were close, but no where as close as me and Karl were. Before Schlatt, I would hang out with Karl every other day. I had a key to his house for fucks sake. Karl was the mother out of the trio, the one that would take care of everyone. 

That's where his downfall began. He'd care too much. Anytime me and Karl would interact, it would end in tears. Even . He'd feel bad for me, from the bruises or the tear marks.

Finally I feel like he's had enough of me. Forgotten about me. He moved on. 

So did Nick. They don't care about me. I don't care about myself. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.

It's happening again... I need sleep...


I blink my eyes open, soon realizing I had dozed off in Schlatt's arms, awakening out of my thoughts. He had noticed my presence and took note of it, "You were out for a good 20 minutes." Schlatt kissed the top of my head, making me eerily uncomfortable. 

     "I'm tired, can I go to bed." I mumble under my breath, looking away from him. 
     "First can I have an actual kiss?" Schlatt smiles at me.
     "I need to shower." I answer, attempting to crawl out of Schlatt's hold. 
     "Babe." Schlatt gives a smug look as he pet names me, dragging me back, restricting my movements.
     "Seriously-" I begin kicking in the air to no avail, Schlatt had a my arms against my chest, causing me to be unable to move. I keep trying, looking at Schlatt. I unintentionally crack a smile at the name, attempting to keep my serious tone.
      "Seriously what?" Schlatt keeps fucking with me, getting a better grip on me.
       "Can I please~ shower?" I hold out 'please', practically whining at this point. I finally stop struggling as I give up, laying in Schlatt's lap at this point.
       "Kiss?" Schlatt looks down at me, smiling. I roll my eyes playfully, looking at Schlatt with a raised eyebrow and a smile. 
      "You really want a kiss that badly?" I shake my head a bit, leaning up and grabbing onto Schlatt's face, pulling it to connect to mine. Schlatt's grip on my body loosened, going up to my face and holding it. A couple giggles had escaped both of our mouths as the kiss had lasted oddly long. 

I finally pull out of the kiss, a smile on my face as I do so. Schlatt had somewhat of a grin on his. He stopped holding onto me, allowing me to escape. Even though I had the chance, I didn't leave. Instead I stayed in his lap. 

We kept our eye contact as I feel Schlatt's hand go towards my hair, brushing his fingers through my thick dark hair, the beanie still being on my head. It felt as that beanie was apart of me. If I didn't have it on, I'd feel naked. If that makes sense? It was my comfort item. 

As Schlatt plays with my hair, I feel a smile creep onto my face, closing my eyes and allowing it to happen. It was oddly comforting. I snuggle down into his lap, wrapping my arms around my chest to become warm. 

My breathing began to slow as I felt myself drifting asleep in his warm hold. I felt as I was drifting out of reality, me just now realizing how tired my body was. It was as if I hadn't slept in days. Which I had slept yesterday... sorta.

------------he's sleeping and shit, like 30 minutes later.

I quickly open my eyes to the alarming noise of the front door opening. I jump, looking up at Schlatt who was still on the couch. His facial expression was the opposite of alarmed, he looked pretty calm actually. I glance over at the door again, noticing a figure, the blinding light of the open door causing a silhouette effect. 

I squint my eyes, attempting to see the figure. I hear the door click, the figure being seen. Or, two figures. Wilbur? Fundy?


the hell is this chapter? Idk? Today I tried an avocado for the first time. Terrible. It was terrible. I've been lied to. Avocados are shit.

anyways, summary: Schlatt and Quackity are chilling on the couch, they stopped being pissed at each other, they kissed, Quackity fell asleep on Schlatt, they woke up to Wilbur walking into the house. Oh yeah Fundy's there too.

Words: 1250<3

Drink water, don't be racist. 

Blue Looks Better on Flowers- Schlatt x QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now