9~ Choices Are in The Air, It Smells like Betrayal

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Hellloo Toast here <3 

TW: Blood, Nightmare, Murder

btw I've been going through and fixing the dialogue, I had to leave in the middle of the chapter so like you know, I'll fix it later I guess

Remember to drink water!


The car stops outside the Manburg building, the cool air around us causing me to shiver.
     "Thanks Karl, tonight was the most fun I've had in a while." I smile at him. I can tell he forces a smile at me. I watch as the car speeds away, the tires not staying in the road lines. Do you think he's crying? Probably.

 I begin walking as I feel mist gently fall onto my head and shoulders. I start walking towards his small black car with the headlights on. The slight mist fell into a heavy rain as I start speed walking towards his car. I feel a tear form in my eye as I huddle myself inside my coat. God not only are his laughs contagious, but his tears. I begin running as I watch him step out of his car, him also walking towards me. My arms were crossed over my body, attempting to keep my body heat. 

I finally reach him and hug him as hard as I could. I finally felt warm, felt safe, nothing was going to hurt me now. I feel him put his arms back around me. 

I feel his arm go under my legs and scoop me up into his arms, me still huddling inside his body heat. Not a single word was said, not a single word was needed. 

He sets me down in the warm car and we sit there for a second, warming up. He turns to me, my eyes filled with tears, the tears going down my face. I honestly didn't know why I was crying, all I know is it hurt. It hurt inside my heart, it heart my face. It was painful in every way. 

      "What did he do?" He finally says, breaking the thick atmosphere of silence.
     "Ho-How'd you know it was him?" I finally say, stuttering in the middle of my sentence, choking on my tears.
     "I recognize the vehicle, plus Karl is the only one you really hang out with." He places his hands on the steering wheel.
     "I mean, he had grabbed onto my arm and refused to let go, hurting me." I finally admit, showing him my bruised arm.
     "He hurt you?" Schlatt says, glaring down at me. 

     "I mean... kinda... but please don't hurt him, it wasn't that bad." I get scared for Karl's safety. I don't want him to hurt Karl. Even worse, firing him. There's endless things he can do, none of them are good. 

     "Depends," Schlatt says, looking outside, the rain still pelting the car.
     "Depends..?" I raise an eyebrow, weary of what he is about to say.
     "Do you want me to hurt him?" He looks at me.
     "No, why would I?" I ask.
     "Well I think it'd be better if you just drop him as a friend. He obviously doesn't care about you." Schlatt mutters, still not looking at me. My smile fades as I look at him. No. This isn't supposed to work like this. I'm supposed to keep both, I can't pick one or the other. 
     "What...?" I mumble, taken aback, still thinking it through.
     "He doesn't care about you. He's just using you, Alex." Schlatt says, his voice low and rough. 

     "How..?" I mutter still questioning everything.
     "Everything you do, when you cry, it's because of him. You're scared, it's because of him. He's a bad influence on you, he makes you miserable." Schlatt finally looks at me.
     "But... I can't lose him, he's all I have left other than you." I try and hold back the tears. I just stopped crying, I don't need to cry again.
     "Exactly, you have me. I'll never make you cry, make you scared, I'll cherish every moment with you while that bastard won't." Schlatt's grip on the wheel tightens while his voice raises.
     "I don't know... I'll think about it..." I finally mutter, glancing out the window.
     "I'm just saying, if he hurts you one more time, you're over." Schlatt emphasizes 'over'. 

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