40~ Sound's Simple Enough!

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The great yassification of '22


My balance was a bit off, as you'd expect. My instincts were telling me to stay off of my bad leg, my body telling me to use the said leg. My hand stayed on the counter, attempting to balance myself. The two watched, objectively concerned. I raise an eyebrow watching them. 
     "I'm fine. Just a bit shook." I reassure them, glancing over at my orange juice that was laid on the counter from when I first fell.  I grab the glass, taking a long sip out of it, staring into their eyes. 

They watch, none of them saying a word.
      "I really don't think you should go to the debate," Schlatt mutters at me, walking towards me a bit.
      "I thought I told you I was fine." I roll my eyes a bit, stepping back, holding the weight on the counter. "Besides, it's not worth losing a one-time thing for, I'll be fine." I shrug it off, Schlatt taking my hand in his hand staring me down. 
      "If you pass out I'm not going to be there to help you." He mutters down to me, walking almost next to me, grabbing onto my collar, pulling my ear he whispers "It's your decision. If you pass out, they'll think of you as an idiot. They'll call you terrible things. It's your decision Alex, but if you fuck it up, you'll never hear the end of it." 

His voice was quiet enough his son, who was still watching, couldn't hear him. My face was stern and unreasonably serious. I wasn't about to get lectured by someone who doesn't even know what he's talking about. 

It almost felt like he was more worried about me ruining our chance than my actual well-being. Then again, he's right. They will think of me as an idiot either way, but it's better if I attempt to limit it. Besides, I have George on my side. How hard can this be?

     "Sé muy bien en lo que me metí. No intentes decirme lo contrario." I mutter back towards him. "Besides, let go of my collar." I tug away from him, his untrusting gaze melting through me. 

Maybe I don't know what I'm getting myself into. But either way, I already agreed. I signed the paperwork. I'm running for president and I can't do anything. If I back down now, I'll be known as even more of an idiot than I already am. 

He finally lets go of my collar, pushing me a tad, sending me over my feet, falling straight on my face on the hardwood.

   "Right.." He mocks me quietly, watching me struggle to get back on my feet. He rolls his eyes before lending me a hand, pulling me back to my feet, being met directly by his figure, him leaning down a bit, our faces being on the same level. "I don't trust your credibility." 

      "You motherfucker, you pushed me," I mutter loudly towards him, wiping my hands on my shirt.
      "I would never." He simply says, beginning to walk away. I roll my eyes in annoyance, my palms still aching from me trying to catch myself from me being pushed. 

      "Bitch." I sneer, somehow forgetting Tubbo was right next to me. "Sorry," I mutter towards the boy, his expression being slightly confused.
      "Why's dad so mad?" He asks me, holding his bee plushy.
       "I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me running for president." I sigh audibly, looking at the boy under me. "Besides, he's usually an asshole." I shrug my shoulders, grabbing my juice from off the counter, taking a couple of sips from it. 

      "What did he say to you?" Tubbo asks, his voice being quiet, trying to not let his dad hear him from the other room.
      "Eh, nothing." I contemplate telling the boy, deciding to ultimately not. He simply nods, acknowledging the fact that I wasn't keen on telling him what I'd actually been told.   
       "I should probably go get ready, if your dad asks, I'm in the shower." Tubbo nods in acknowledgment, beginning to walk away. 

Blue Looks Better on Flowers- Schlatt x QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now