23~ Storm

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haha hehe fun. So how are ya'll? 

uhm no TW I guess lightning? Idk who tf has a trigger with lightning but idk.


what's ya'll favorite way of murdering someone?


    "Alright drive safe." Schlatt waves to his sister who had began driving away. I glance up to the sky, it becoming suddenly darker. I immediately hold onto his hand tighter, getting his attention. He already noticed because he was looking in that direction before me. 
    "What the hell.." I hear him mumble under his breath, squinting his eyes at the sky, it getting darker and darker.

While we're staring, my phone began going off, soon his followed. We both looked at each other and already knew.  I grabbed my phone, him still staring out into the horizon.

    "Shit." I mumble, grabbing his phone and shutting it off. "Storm, big one." We stand there for a second, the wind picking up around us. I was stunned, completely shocked. Apparently he was too, 'cause he wasn't moving either. 

We watch as the street lights begin flickering, soon all of them turning off, leaving us in a dim darkness, the only light being the streaks of lightning flashing across the horizon.

    "Oh that's fucking terrifying, car, now." I grab his shirt, pulling him towards the car. 
   "Couldn't agree more." Schlatt begins running towards the car, grabbing onto my hand, dragging me along with him. The wind was blowing the opposite way we were running, causing it to be insanely loud, the wind blowing us backwards. 
    "I don't think we're gonna make it." I scream out to him, the wind being deafeningly loud around us, smacking us in the face. 
    "Don't say that." Schlatt responds, also yelling at the top of his lungs. We get to the parking lot, me jumping to the side of the car, blocking me from the wind. 

He grabbed out his keys, him being on the side of the wind, causing him to fumble his keys, trying to find the right one. I huddle up against the door, the black horizon being at the park. It was odd. It was absolutely pouring at the park, but where we were, it was only sprinkling. Which means that we don't have much more time to waste.

Schlatt finally gets it unlocked, us both immediately getting in. I didn't even have a second to breathe before he had stepped on the gas, speeding towards the main road. Once we got to the main road we slowed down a bit, not exactly wanting to die. I had finally buckled my seatbelt, having a moment to breathe. 

    "So, do you think that Puffy got home safe." I took a deep breath, the wind shaking the car.
    "I'm trying to focus." Schlatt answers simply, squinting to try and see in front of us, the rain absolutely pouring onto the windshield. 

I stay silent, instead turning on my phone. I go to Niki's contact, texting her.
Hey are you okay? The storm is pretty bad. 
Text not sent due to error. ⚠

Of course. Why wouldn't my phone work.

I let out a sigh and turned off my phone, looking out the window at the rain. I watch the trees along the road bend and break to the pressure of the severe winds. It was interesting seeing the trees bend. It's a rare and dangerous occurrence, and soon after enough pulling and bending, it finally just snaps.

I glance over to Schlatt who was still squinting at the road ahead of us. If I turn the wheel right now, who would stop me. I think for a second, the thought going through my head. If I did, he'd be dead. I'd be free. I close my eyes for a second, shaking my head a tiny bit, trying to stop my brain from thinking those terrible things. I'm not a murderer. 

    "Quack? You alright?" He breaks me out of my thoughts, sliding his hand over to mine which just so happened to be laying on my thigh. 

    "Yeah. I'm just panicking a little bit." I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
    "I can see that." Schlatt holds my hand, his other still being on the steering wheel. 
    "Where are we?" I mumble, my eyes still closed, trying to ignore the rain hitting the roof, the noise imitating gunshots. 
    "Almost home, don't worry." He rubs his finger on the top of my hand, calming me down somewhat. 

We turn the corner to the house, me recognizing it and opening my eyes. Schlatt parks the car as close to the house as possible and turns off the car, us both remaining in the car.
    "So, how are we going to pull this off." Schlatt's grip on my hand loosens, unlocking the doors. 
    "Run to the door." I rest my hand on the handle, unbuckling my seatbelt, him doing the same. 
    "Sounds great." He unlatches the door, running out to the front door, his feet splashing in the huge puddles. I follow behind. My body is so light, it felt like I could've been taken by the wind. It was weird. 

He gets the door unlocked and we both jump in, closing and locking the door behind us. I lean against the door, slowly sitting down onto the hardwood, panting from the running. Schlatt on the other hand was calm as hell, casually taking off his jacket. Like this is something that happens on the daily? This man truly is a psychopath. 

    "So what do you want to do now? Lights are out, so no TV I guess.-" I stop talking abruptly, noticing Schlatt being extremely suspicious. He was slowly walking towards the cabinet, opening one of the drawers while looking up to me, me still by the door. 
    "Erm..." I raise an eyebrow at him, obviously, he's been acting weird all day. I stand up, hesitant as I watch a smile creep onto his face. What the fuck?  Isn't that the... oh god.

    "Uh... I'm going to bed." I talk fast, turning towards the stairs to take a run for it. As I was beginning to run, I feel his hand go around my wrist, pulling me back. I stare in terror as I see a gun, glistening in the lightning, up to my head. What?
    "Babe..." I mumble loud enough he can hear me, "put the fucking gun down." 


gawd cliffhangers am I right? :) lmao

Summary: There was a big thunderstorm, the power is out, including calling people, Schlatt randomly pulled a gun to Quackity's head. 

pp lol

words: 1076 

wow small chapter eh?

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