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I make eye contact with him once again, slowly attempting to take my hand away from his grasp. He jolts me back, not allowing me to get up. 
      "I never wrapped your hand." He answers calmly, grabbing some paper towels. "Seeing as this office is extremely sketchy, we don't own an emergency kit." He wraps the towels around my bloodied fingertips, making sure my wounds were covered before taping them securely. 
     "There, once you get home make sure to properly take care of the cuts." He lectures me, gently letting go of my injured hand. 
      "I appreciate it a lot, thank you." I smile at the man, fiddling with the wrap. 
      "You should smile more, you have a nice smile." He looks down at me, giving me a thumbs-up, handing me my flower. 

He turned his head, his entire body soon following suit, walking towards the exit. I watch in amusement as he ducks through the doorways, his tall figure not properly fitting in any sort of building. 

I grab ahold of my flower, the blood covering it. I make a sudden glance at the floor, the blood on it turning a shade of yellow from the time that has passed. I swiftly turn my tired and confused expression towards the large industry window beside me, noticing the beautiful sunrise. I felt as if nothing was truly real. 

It was a feeling of derealization, a feeling that nothing was actually true. That I was in some sort of sick dream. I never actually met Schlatt. I'm not actually real. I look at my wounded fingertips, my vision going to a slight blur before soon enough focusing once again on them. I shutter quietly, noticing the deep orange tint against the floor and walls, projecting my shadow against the office doors to either side of me.

The deep orange against the blood made it turn an ugly brown color. I quickly sweep the rest of the glass and blood from off the floor, disposing of it in the break room's trash can. As I throw away the crimson glass into the trash, I notice my ringing phone on the counter. Nick was calling me.

I toss my broom and dustpan to the side as I swiftly unlock my phone, picking up the call. 

Quackity: Howdy.
Sapnap: We found Karl, he's currently crying and shaking violently, he keep saying your name, are you okay??
Quackity: O-Oh fuck! Where is he?
Sapnap: We're at our house, he has a terrible bloody nose, tell me what happened?
Quackity: I uh... that's really fucking weird. 
I bring my shaken finger up to my nose, the crimson color leaving an imprint on my hand as I take it away.
Quackity: I did have a really bad bloody nose, but it's calmed down. 
Sapnap: You... had a bloody nose?
Quackity: Yeah it was really fucking weird. It was only the left nostril.
Sapnap: Same with Karl... That's a weird coincidence. 
Quackity: I don't think it was a coincidence...
Sapnap: Elaborate. 
Quackity: Look into his eyes.
Sapnap: What?
Quackity: Are they blue? 
Sapnap: The... left... one. Wait what? What's happening? How did you know? He usually has brown eyes!
Quackity: I... I don't know. This is too much for me today, I can't do it. 

I mutter quietly into the phone, taking it away from my face. I could hear the bleak calls of my name through the quiet telephone. I hang up almost immediately, powering off my device, trying to get away from this reality. 



I hadn't heard silence for a while. From Nick's crying for help trying to find out what's wrong with his boyfriend. Badboyhalo lecturing me. Clay kicking my ass. Schlatt ridiculing me. Nothing was silent. It's all been upsettingly loud. 

I feel my legs and body begin to shake as I begin walking towards my actual office, my perception of reality becoming altered and unreal, my pupils becoming dilated from the slightest hint of light. It had felt like I had a few months ago. Cocaine running through my system, people with bright lights shining down onto me, people trying to check my pulse, the overwhelming dizziness. It was terrible. It is terrible.

I make it to my messy office, feeling my legs begin to give out, leaning against the wall near my door, slowly sliding down the cool beige walls. I rest my eyes, the slight buzzing of my ceiling fan above me stopping my sanity from completely draining from my broken soul. 

I can hear my heartbeat. 

I finally begin to become less panicked. 

It's better than not being able to at least. 

I close my weary eyes, my head tucked in my knees, stopping any light from leaking in. 

I want to go home.

The cool air brushes against my small wings. 

I feel as if I truly don't have a 'home'. 

The dark dreary room is terrifying.

The 'home' I had isn't safe. Nowhere is safe anymore. 




i love using lmao ironically, it's hilarious. 

Anyways, summary time.

Summary: Karl is back (wooo) It implies that Karl and Quackity have some sort of connection since he had seen him in an alternate time travel reality.  

Blue Looks Better on Flowers- Schlatt x QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now