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February 20th. 

New book coming soon. I decided that the fact that my book was already an estimated 5-hour-long read time, that it was better off making a new one. 

This new one is going to be starting once they get elected, venturing off on that note

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This new one is going to be starting once they get elected, venturing off on that note. What will happen? Tbh I don't even know. I kinda just write as I go. I do though expect it to heavily show the alcoholism and abuse, and I mean heavy, so mentally prepare yourself. Let's just say it's not going to be too pg 13. 

Mark your calendars, the new book is coming out very soon. 

-Sincerely, Toast 



Fill out this form, it asks what your opinion of this book was, (favorite/least favorite characters, how angsty you want the new book to be, etc.) and just helps me figure out what you guys like :). 

You can only fill this out on a computer/laptop, sadly. 

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