12~ The Masquerade

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hkahsdfkhsadklfhaslkd Hi

I'm gonna start every chapter with me smashing my face on the keyboard. That'll probably drive ya'll insane. Yeah I said ya'll. Fight me.

Oh and yeah, I did draw that, and yeah, I am proud of it.

okay also, I've broken up this chapter, the document broke the dialogue. 

It was a pain in the ass to fix, so I gave up :)

also this chapter is a lot of dialogue 


The clock chimes low as I finish up some papers. I glance up to read the clock. 4:00pm. Finally, it's time to go home. I grab my jacket off the rack and check my phone. Hm no messages? That's a first. I go to slide my phone into my pocket before hesitating. I take out my phone and glance around. I wonder what Karl's up to.

I dial his number, making sure to click the right numbers. I hear the phone begin ringing as I press it against my ear. Ring, ring, ring, ring. Hm usually it doesn't take this long. Ring, ring ,ring.

"Hello" I hear his voice. I perk up in happiness.

"Hey Karl!" I smile, gathering my stuff.

"This is Karl Jacobs, I cannot be reached at this time, call again!" The voice mail continues. I became saddened. Great, Karl's dead in a ditch. My phone begins ringing and I feel a burst of happiness. Karl? I look at my phone. Nope, Schlatt.

Schlatt: Hey are you ready?

Quackity: Oh yeah, yeah.

Schlatt: Alright, meet at the car?

Quackity: Sounds good.

I hang up and start walking towards the door to my office, grabbing my keys off the rack in the process. I put my phone in my pocket. I finally put on my jacket, walking out the door. I turn around and lock the door, sliding the key in my pocket.

I walk down the hallway, avoiding all the people flooding the hallways. It was 5 so everyone was getting off of work, including me.

I finally get out to the parking lot, searching for Schlatt's car before something takes my attention. I look up to see Sapnap running towards me.

"Holy shit Alex. Where the fuck have you been?" He sounds worried, panting from running.
"Uhm, I've been working all day, why what's wrong?" I begin getting concerned. Did Karl.... Wait, is Karl dead? Is Karl hurt? I haven't seen him all day. Did I send him through depression? What have I done? I can't leave Karl, Karl can't leave me. No.

"Is Karl okay? Have you seen him today?" I begin worrying a lot more.
"Oh Karl, he's just staying home, he hasn't been feeling well." He looks at me.
"Why?" He begins before I cut him off.
"Holy shit, thank god, I thought Karl was hurt." I let out a long sigh of relief.
"Why....? What happened?" He looks even more confused.

"It's weird to explain. Last night he drove home crying, worried about me." I begin explaining.
"Oh Karl told me the whole thing, he went on a full rant about it too." Sapnap glances around the parking lot.

"Oh? So you know?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Know what?" Sapnap puts his keys in his pocket.
"Uhm, so he hasn't told you?" I get a 100x more confused.
"Oh yeah, he's told me that he thinks you're in a relationship with our boss." Sapnap glances up at me.

"Ha, that's a bit... extreme..." I pretend to be surprised.
"What happened yesterday may I ask?" Sapnap completely changes the subject.
"Oh uh... I don't.... remember..." I speak truthfully, putting my hand through my hair out of nervousness.
"Because I had seen you with Schlatt, him running out of the door, holding you in his arms, he looked in distress." Sapnap looks me up and down with confusion. 

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