¿Es este el final, querido?

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Translation: (Is this the end, my dear?)

His soft hold comforted me scarcely, the soft tears slowly becoming more and more defined as I wept. My face buried deep into his shoulder. He caressed my back, rocking me back and forth, endeavoring to soothe me. I felt awful. Mentally and physically. I felt as if I've failed him. Which I have. I've done this all to myself and not only am I feeling the pain of my consequences, but so is he. 

     "I'm so sorry-!" I breathe out, mumbling quickly in between tears. He just quietly pats my back, watching me. 
     "Don't apologize Quacks, it's not your fault." His voice was soothing and calm, the occasional cracks coming from his upset expression. "It was never your fault.

    "I... I feel so sick, I'm so tired, I don't know anymore," I back out of the hug, murmuring quietly. He watches me, watching the tears well up in his eyes. His hand brushes the side of my face, holding me. "I'm here to listen, darling, I'll always be here for you," 

     "I'm so tired... I just want my friends back. I just want it as it had always been. I miss everything. I miss not having depression. I miss whenever people looked at me like a person and not a walking mistake. I miss people not hating me... I miss not hating myself..." My voice becomes quiet, tears running down my face, his tears striking the floor beneath us.

    "I... I don't think people hate you. If anything, they adore you. You're beautiful, you're funny, you're something people aspire to be." He says this, looking at the floor, glancing up back at me, looking at me in the eye, and smiling, "Tubbo really loves you. I really love you.

Our hands intertwine as we look at each other. 
    "I really love you." His voice stings my heart as his words become completely broken, barely being able to recognize his voice. 

"I love you too..." I say these words to him quietly, looking into his captivating eyes, the tears causing them to blur. These words hurt like no other. He looked so hurt and it was my fault. 


"I'll love you always." 




      "I promise." 

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