37~Nine To Five? Rather Die.

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Can we take note of this cute ass fanart wxolochi made for me? I think its adorable :D. (Yes they gave me permission to put it in the story lol)



I feel a cool breeze through my flared feathers. I slowly take my sleepy eyes from my knees, noticing my surroundings before me. Fuck... I fell asleep... again... I really need to start sleeping more.

I blink a bit, resetting my weary facial expression. I slowly rise from the floor, using the wall beside me to help me up, the lack of nutrients in my body causing me to become weakened. I could honestly care less about my physical state. It's nothing terrible. Just some twisted form of a diet, nothing more. 

I stretch a bit, bringing my palms up to my tired face, rubbing my barely opened eyes. As I do so, I nic my nose, a bit of blood rubbing off onto my shaken hands, showing the nose bleed had returned. I let out a groan of annoyance as I grab a tissue from beside me, shoving it up to my liquid crimson-filled nose. 

I take note of the clock at the other end of the room of me, looking at the time. 9:23. Holy fuck. I've only got about 3 hours to get my shit together before we leave. I take a slow and unbothered glance at my desk, the papers awaiting to be even acknowledged. I breathe deeply into my nose, exhaling out of my mouth.

I slowly make my way to my desk, sitting down in the dark brown office chair. I could barely even sit still my hands were shaking an absurd amount, I was constantly twitching, but at the same time, I felt numb. Am I having a fucking seizure or what? I throw down the pen in annoyance, reaching for my bottle of pills from my desk. 

I spill out about two, throwing them in my mouth. I search quickly around my desk to find any kind of liquid to wash down the capsules with. I find a half drank monster can. I carefully grab it, taking a small swig out of it. The taste makes me shudder. I quickly swallow it, not thinking twice about what I just drank. 

What the hell was that. I think for a moment, grabbing the can again, giving it a quick sniff. The smell makes me cringe as I try to figure out what it was. All I know was that was not a mango monster. That's when it hits me. Hits me like a truck. That kinda smells like pot.

I think about it again, taking another sniff out of it. That's definitely pot. I take another swig out of it, letting it set on my tongue. Marijuana tea? When had I ever made weed tea? I quickly spit it out into the trash can beside me. What the fuck. I throw the can away beside me, the liquid splashing onto the sides of the can. I cough a bit, spitting it out. That tastes like it's been there for months...

I stare in confusion and fear at the trash can. It more looked offended. It honestly didn't taste bad. Whatever 7 months ago I was on, I want some of those drugs. 

I finally sit down again, ignoring my earlier encounter with the illegal herb. I take my pen, finally doing some of the paperwork I had been putting off forever now. Fuck, I hate this job. I hate any job. I've never wanted to go home more right now. Then again the due date is this Tuesday, It's currently Friday, so I have about three days to get this shit done. This entire pile of papers done. I'm pretty sure I'll have to take this all home to work on it. Which honestly isn't terrible seeing as Schlatt has a dedicated office for this kind of stuff. 

Earlier when I finally moved in, I had taken my desk from my old house and put it in my and Schlatt's shared house, so on either side of the office, we have our separated desks, separated by a bookshelf with a small gap so we can see each other. It's honestly pretty nice having that quiet space. Then again, there's a quiet space where I'm at right now. I truly don't understand how my brain works sometimes.

I hear the clock beside me begin to sing a low-hummed chime, informing me a new hour is about to begin. I shift my gaze to said clock, reading the feeble hands of the old clock. 9:55.

I need to stop fucking around and actually get my stuff done if I want a weekend with Tubbo. This newfound motivation causes me to actually pick up the pen again, focusing on my papers. My pen moves swiftly across the important papers. 

----------------------1 Hour later, 11:02

I get a bunch of progress done, I'm honestly amazed at myself at this insane accomplishment. It may be simple to the normal person, but for me, a mentally ill 22-year-old with daddy issues, it is literal hell to complete.

I listen intently to the noise of clicking shoes down the hall, informing me of Schlatt's presence. It was truly nice being able to pinpoint where he was with his loud-ass shoes. His feet weren't necessarily normal though, seeing as he's part goat, he had goat hooves. So his shoes were perfectly tailored to fit his feet, the shoes he picked happening to be hella loud. Everything about him was perfectly measured, tailored to fit his muscular goat frame. 

Everything looked good on that man. He was truly the depiction of pure beauty. His horns definitely added to it. It gave a sense of masculinity, a sense of power, a sense of everything in between.  

I hear two strong knocks on my door before I see it suddenly creep open, revealing the man before me.

      "Come in," I answer quietly, my eyes fixated on his perfect suit. I watch as, without a word, he enters my office, closing the door softly after him. He walks over to my desk, grabbing the stack of papers that I've completed off the desk. I watch as he stops, smelling the air for a second.

      "You smoking weed?" He asks nonchalantly, smelling the air again.
       "Nah, there was some on my desk from a hella long time ago," I answer, "I wish though,"
       "I like the honesty," He smiles to himself as he glances over all the paperwork. "Impressive." He mutters under his breath, looking over my work. I nod as an acknowledgment of the compliment. 

      "Well, in like an hour come back up to my office," He checks his watch, talking to me.

I watch in silence as he begins to leave my office. "Wait!," I mutter quietly under my breath, though loud enough he'd be able to hear me. I watch as he turns around again, legit confusion on his face as he had thought I actually needed something, "Could I have a kiss before you leave?" 

He smiles a bit, humored by my random question. He surely enough obliged, turning around and walking towards me. I outstretch my arms for a hug, as he walks towards my side of the desk. He quickly wraps his arms around me, kissing me softly on the lips.

"I love you," I mutter quietly before kissing him again. 
He pauses. "I love you too." He hugs me tighter this time, giving me one last kiss on the cheek before standing back up, walking away. He closes the door swiftly behind him, smiling to himself. 

He truly is the light of my world.


This chapter was pretty light-hearted lol. I enjoyed writing this. Also, my computer is still fucked, I've been writing this on my spare shitty laptop. The one I'm writing on has a tiny screen, as someone with glasses, I still can't see the fucking screen. 

Summary: Quackity worked. Thats about it. I mean he found expired weed on his desk? There wasn't much to this chapter lmao.


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