32~Really Now?

302 15 5

Thank you father, for the cheese bread. 

Two/Cw: Mention of Suicide, Blood, swearing, mention of sh, arguing


      "Yeah, that asshole." I smile over at the man.
       "So you guys are... dating?" He looks down at me. 
       "Yeah... I thought I already told you that?" I raise my eyebrow at him, questioning his thought process. Because I had quite literally just told him only five minutes ago.
        "I never thought you would date someone. I expected you to just sleep around." I hear him talk under his breath, smiling down at me, a grin on his face. "Who knew you'd be that desperate to date your literal boss."

I stare at him in disbelief. There wasn't any reason to say that. "Fuck you too then. At least I have a boyfriend. You're just chasing after George. News flash bastard, if I didn't want you, George won't either." I get up and personal with him, putting my finger on his chest, raising my voice at him.

        "Both of you, shut up." Nick breaks us up, pulling me away from him, separating us. I attempt to squirm out of his grasp. "What the fuck. Both of you, what the fuck." I get sat down on the staircase, Clay leaning against the railing still. 

      "Clay, that was too far. For no reason too." Nick glares down at him. "You do realize the shit Quackity has gone through." He walks over to his friend, Clay's hands being crossed over each other.
       "He deserved it." He coldly says, getting off the railing, turning away. I stay sat down, watching whatever they were doing. 
        "Where are you going? Why would you just cuss him out then leave?" Nick grumbles under his breath at the man who was walking away.
         "Not the first time you've done that dickhead!" I yell down the stairwell, Clay stopping in his trail and looking behind him at me. 
          "What did you say to me prick." He stares up at me, glaring at me.
          "Go ahead, leave. Leave like your father whenever you were twelve." I get defensive. Nick just looks at me in terror as Clay begins trotting up the stairs. Sapnap turns around and begins to walk up the stairs, leaving us.
           "At least whenever I was twelve I wasn't doing cocaine, you stupid bitch." I feel him grab onto my shirt, pushing me backward. 
          "What's wrong... nephew," I smirk as he stares in absolute terror. 
          "What?" He goes to punch me before the confusion stopping him.
          "I'm dating your uncle. That makes me also your uncle." I explain to him, smiling under my breath.

Clay stops, letting go of my shirt while still in thought. I take that confusion to leap onto him, pushing him down the stairwell, the noise of the metal against his skull echoing down the corridor. 
         "God-! What the fuck you psychopath." He let out a pained scream. Holding onto his head, occasionally screaming out. 
          "What? You weren't expecting a fight?" I pin him down, winding my fist back.
          "Wow. You can defend yourself from me and not your damn boyfriend?" Those words fueled me with more anger than I knew I had.

I punch him in the nose, him letting out a quick groan in pain, soon looking up at me.
        "You're fucking pathetic. Instead of doing something useful, you're taking your anger out on your ex?" His words made me sad, me choosing not to respond, punching him again.
        "Just admit it. You're a whore for the money." He spits the blood out of his mouth on the floor beside me. "How about you go be useful, and go slit your wrists." 

        "Shut the fuck up. Just shut up! Shut up already! I'm trying, I'm really trying. It's assholes like you who make my life miserable. I already want to kill myself and you make me want to do it. I already have the noose, just shut up..." I begin tearing up, soon beginning to sob. His smirk soon faded to a concerned frown. 

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