34~Time Fly's Doesn't It?

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Don't be racist, I am a building! 

CW/TW: Blood.

To be honest, this chapter is really confusing, so if you're confused, feel free to look at the summary. The summary explains more than the actual chapter lmaoo


I hold the scissors in a defensive position, my breathing practically stopped as I saw who was there. 

I hear as the door unclicks, Karl walking in, mid-sip of his monster can. We make awkward eye contact, my white undershirt absolutely covered in Dream's blood, a pair of scissors pointed directly at his chest, my heart beating hard and loud. 
        "Okay-" Karl slowly puts his hands up, the shock on his face, "I just wanted to talk.." He slowly backs away from the blade that was against his chest. 
         "Holy shit! I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you, I didn't recognize you!" I apologize multiple times, throwing the scissors behind me, against the counter. I immediately go in for a hug, wrapping my arms around him. 

He waits for a second, the confusion stunning him. He quickly wraps his arms around me also, us both enjoying the encounter.
       "I fucking missed you." I mumble into his neck, the hoodie causing it to become muffled. 
        "Eheh... I missed you too. What happened?" He looks down at me, pulling away from the hug. 
         "Oh, nothing much, I guess my flowers were getting dry-.." I completely misunderstood the question, forgetting about my bloody attire. 
         "No, you look like you murdered someone." Karl points down at me, looking at his hoodie, making sure I didn't get blood on him. 
         "Cause' I did?" I question him, chuckling under my breath, walking back to my roses, fixing the petals.
         "You what?" He acts like he actually believed me. "No-" He grabs onto my shirt and pulls me back towards him. I look him up and down and smile a bit. "That's not your blood is it.." His smile slowly faded on his face.

        "Hah! You believed me you idiot. No, of course I didn't kill someone, I beat up Dream though." I laugh a bit, facing him again. 

       "You beat up Dream?! How? That man is the strongest dude around." Karl gawks at the skill I hold. 
        "I let my emotions get to me." I answer simply, giving the smallest answer possible. I pull up a chair and sit down, Karl getting the message and sitting down with me. He takes a small sip of his beverage, setting it down on the table answering with a quiet 'ah'.

     "How has you and Schlatt been?" He asks, picking the tab off of his drink. 
      "Fantastic actually, I'm thinking of getting off my pills, the amount of confidence I've grown with him around is insane. I guess getting into a relationship was a good idea." I smile at him, spaced out at his tab.
      "That's actually... awesome, I'm honestly really happy for you." He smiles to me, making eye contact with me, I feel his hand go to mine, placing it on mine. "Once you want to get married, I'd love to marry you guys."

The amount of serotonin that gave me made me beyond grateful. "Thank you, I really appreciate that." I speak truthfully, looking down at his hand, the golden ring shimmering against the light behind me, the sun finally all the way up. 

    "Speaking of marriage, when are you and Nick going to?" I ask, looking at it. 
     "Not sure. We're just waiting for the perfect time. May be years, may be months." He mumbles, also looking at his hand. 
     "That's oddly cute." I give a small grin as he says that. "You must really love him huh." 

    "Of course I do. He's my fiancé" He grabs his can and throws it towards the trash can, hitting it against the wall, the can ending up in the trash. 

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