21~Oh Phone I Missed You!

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thanks for 1K!

TW: Blood

 The shrine was beginning to summon demons so I had to put a holy bible on the Ouija board. The weird thing was, I've never owned a bible and all of a sudden there was 4. Should I take down the satanic shrine? No.

What's your favorite songs ---------->
(Mines probably any Hollywood Undead song, manly Pray (put em' in the dirt) but the others are good)


I blink my eyes open, rubbing them, waking up in the bed next to Schlatt. He must've moved me here. 

I turn myself around facing him to see he was dead asleep. I smile at the sight. Since normally Schlatt would wake up before me, fall asleep after me. I feel like he would wait for me to fall asleep before he would. Making sure I was safe I guess? Not sure. 

I take a deep breath, crawling out of bed. My attention immediately going to my phone. My phone looked like hell. There was blood smeared all over the screen protector, my white phone case stained a yellowish-red. 

It smelled foul, just like murder. I should be dead. Why am I not dead? I look down at my leg, sitting down on the bed, rolling up my pant leg. My hand falls down to the red crimson wrapping, my fingers going along the stab wound. Why am I not dead? I am quite literally a miracle. I should've bled out. If I got stabbed and continued to bleed out for 6 hours, I should be dead. (-_-) 

I pull down the pant leg, standing up, grabbing my phone. Niki probably wants to know this explanation

I limp to the front door, carefully unlatching it, phone being held tight in my grasp. 

I make it out to the front porch, powering on my phone, praying it didn't get damaged. The screen illuminates then shows my lock screen, it being a photo with Karl, Sapnap, and me at a park, having fun. The picture was taken a year ago, when we were close as ever. 

I breathe in deep and swipe the phone, not bothering cleaning off the blood. As I expected there was missed calls. A lot of them. Mainly Niki and Wilbur. Sapnap and Karl weren't anywhere to be found.

I find Niki's contact, going to click the call icon before hesitating. I shrug off the feeling that this is going to end badly, calling her.

Niki: Holy shit, are you okay? You haven't answered your phone in what feels like months. Are you okay? 
Quackity: I guess, could be better. 
Niki: Nope, tell me. Explain.
Quackity: Well uh... me and Schlatt had gotten into a fight... a pretty bad one..
Niki: That must've been one hell of a fight seeing as you called me sobbing.
Quackity: Well Schlatt had gotten a knife and was coming towards me, that's why I hung up, I attempted to hide. Let's just say I'm pretty bad at hiding.
Niki: Oh my god...
Quackity: Yeah he stabbed me in the calf. He tried to stab me in the neck but I had kicked the knife away. It was about 3 inches deep?
Niki: You need to go to the hospital. 
Quackity: No. It's fine, I'm fine now. I just can't walk on my leg. He like really wrapped it. 
Niki: I thought you just said he stabbed you.
Quackity: Well yeah... the next morning he felt bad and gave me lots of attention, watched a movie with me, cuddled me, you know that kind of stuff.
Niki: Uh huh....
Quackity: Yeah I just wanted to tell you I was safe and stuff. Would you mind telling Karl and Sap I'm safe, I can't find their contacts in my phone.
Niki: Weird. You aren't in theirs either for some reason. 

I hear kids giggling from inside the house, realizing they're awake.

Quackity: Aw shit the kids are awake
Niki: What? Kids??
Quackity: I'll explain later, talk to you soon.

I hang up the phone, stretching my legs and walking inside the house. I walk to the kitchen, sitting down at the table, grabbing some paper towels and putting water on them. I began to wipe the blood off the phone. 
     "What is that?" I hear a small voice from behind me making me jump. 
     "Oh I'm just cleaning off my phone." I turn around and see Tubbo and Tommy.
     "That's blood." Tommy points out the obvious.
     "Yep. Don't worry it's mine." I smile to them, scrubbing at the stained phone case.
    "Oh..." Tubbo looks over at Tommy. "I don't know if that makes it better or worse."
    "Better presumably." I set it down, turning around to face them.
    "Oh okay... where's dad?" I hear Tubbo ask, going towards the stairs. Tommy stands there watching me before following Tubbo up the stairs.

I sit there silently, scrubbing at my phone. I ended up just taking off the screen protector and case. I'll buy a new case later, this one is fucking ruined. Why did I buy a white phone case? Don't know. Do I regret it? Not really seeing as normally people don't have their cases covered in blood. But I guess I'm special.


Well. I don't know what this chapter is! It was mainly me making fun of how much my story doesn't make any goddamn sense. Like if it doesn't make sense to me, it ain't gon' make sense to ya'll. 

Oh god my southern is coming out. 

Summary: Quackity found his phone and told everyone that he is okay and not dead I guess. Tommy and Tubbo saw Quackity cleaning his bloody phone. 

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