14~Office Incident

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We walk out to the car together, hopping in it. Of course it was Schlatt's car, I really don't use my car. Hell I had sold my house not too long ago, I had fully moved into Schlatt's house. 

We sit in the car for a second, warming up from the cold November air, the coldness was terrible. I glance down at the clock it reading 7:20.
     "We have time for coffee?" I ask, looking up at him smiling.
     "Depends." He cracks a smile.
     "Hm?" I raise an eyebrow.
     "Are we going to sit down and drink it or on the road?" He asks, starting up the car.
     "I was thinking... sitting down?" I smile a bit. My hand slides down to his and turns it upside down, holding his. Schlatt looks down at my hand and smiles, holding my hand back.

We drive to the local coffee shop, bakery, thingy. It was run by my good friend Niki. Niki had like 50 jobs. She works at Manburg offices, her bakery, she's studying to become a doctor, she knows how to take care of pets, she knows it all I swear.

We walk into the shop, me giving a sweet smile to her at the counter. 
     "Oh Quackity!" Her sweet voice was welcoming and happy. Schlatt also gives a nice smile.
     "Oh hello Schlatt." She waves at Schlatt, still a somewhat happy tone. She sits down at her chair next to her cash register.
     "Could we have 2 medium black coffees please?" I smile and grab out my wallet. 
     "Oh no don't worry about it." She smiles and giggles a bit, walking over to the coffee machine, filling two cups. She grabs them, walking over to me, handing them to us. 
     "Thank you so much again." I smile and glance up to Schlatt who was obviously in a good mood. I stand next to Schlatt who was looking around. I slide my free hand next to his, lightly holding it, totally forgetting that Niki could see us.

      "Oh no problem." Niki glances down and notices us holding hands. I watch as her jaw quite literally drop. She stood and put her hand over her mouth, turning around towards Fundy, another person. Fundy was a small fox hybrid, one of Niki's best friends and Co-Worker. I glance up to Schlatt and giggle quietly. 

We both walk over to a table next to the table, sitting down. We sit on either side of each other, sipping our coffee, making small conversation.
      "You know, what's your actually name?" I ask, half joking, have serious.
     "I don't know, what is it?" Schlatt takes a long sip from his coffee.
     "Jared? John? Jacob? Aha Jared Schlatt!" I begin giggling. Schlatt shakes his head, setting down his coffee and smirking. 
      "You know I'm gonna start calling you Jared." I set down my coffee, crossing my arms."
     "You know I'm gonna call you Quacky." Schlatt had an evil grin. 
     "I swear if you call me Quacky in public, I barely let you use babe." 
     "I swear if you call me Jared, that's not even my name." Schlatt mocks me. I finally give up and sip more of my coffee. I glance up and notice Niki kept glancing up at us, seeing that I had noticed, she immediately hid under the counter. I shrugged and ignored it, seeing Schlatt look at his watch.

     "Shit." I hear Schlatt mumble, standing up from the table.
     "Hm?" I ask, grabbing my coffee and also standing up.
     "We're like 3 minutes late." Schlatt looked up at me.
     "Fuck, we should probably go." I grab the keys off the table and we both walk rather quickly to the door. 
     "Cya Niki, I'll see you soon, thanks for the coffee-" I got cut off by Schlatt grabbing me and dragging me out the door. We both get in the car and he starts it up rather quickly, putting on sunglasses to block the rising sun on the horizon. 

---------------time skip, they arrived at the office.

Schlatt unlocked the door and I sat near, waiting. I stay quiet knowing that he was quite stressed. He gets stressed a lot. Never ends up good. I sip my coffee as he gets the door unlocked, letting out a long sigh, turning on the lights in the building. 

     "Don't worry, it was only 10 minutes." I smile to him, sipping my coffee. I expected him to yell at me, not respond, hit me, anything, but instead he just smiled at me.
     "Yeah." Schlatt's mood becomes happier, adjusting his suit. 
     "Well I have 20 minutes before my shift, can I sit in your office and keep you company?" I look at him and smile at him sweetly.
     "Oh I don't mind." He walks towards the stairs, holding the door for me to follow him. The building was 3 stories tall. The first story was mainly customer service, the 2nd was just a whole bunch of offices, one of them being mine. The very top was the higher authorities, Schlatt being one of them.

We both walk up the stairs, the sound of his shoes clicking on the metal being the only sound. It was extremely quiet. Weirdly quiet. I looked up to him expecting to see him pissed as all hell, but instead saw him smiling to himself, something he rarely did.

We finally had gotten to the third story, walking towards Schlatt's office which was quite large compared to the others, lots of large windows. He entered the room, I followed behind him. 

I sat down on at the other side of him, looking down at all the paperwork. We make conversation, occasionally looking at the clock. 

-----------Time skip, 18 minutes later, 2 minutes until his shift.

We were talking and Schlatt had gotten calmed down by quite a bit. I turn on my phone and see the time and sigh. 7:58

I decide I had wanted attention. I get up from my chair and walk over to him, sitting on his lap, hugging onto him. I watch as Schlatt doesn't bat an eye seeing as I've done this once or twice. He drops his pen and wraps his arms around me, hugging me too. I lay my head onto his chest, hearing his heartbeat making me smile. 

I stop hugging him and looked him in his eyes, having a sweet smile. I finally get out of his lap and he follows me to the door. 

Before I could exit I felt him grab onto my waist, taking me back into the hug, this time followed by me leaning up and kissing him, my hands lying on his chest. I felt myself being pushed back and had felt myself bump into the desk, leaning onto it, still making out with him. This kiss lasted long, I never wanted it to end. I throw my hands over his shoulders, putting more structure into the kiss. 

I barely open my eyes to see something that terrified me.



I am rewriting this whole thingy! Yay! Also I'm going on a camping trip for 10 days! So I'm working on this book all day so I can get some chapters out before I completely ghost out for 2 weeks. yay.

Summary: Schlatt and Quackity went out for coffee, Niki saw them holding hands, Quackity went to Schlatt's office and they're making out on his desk. Karl walked in the room

1230 words <3

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