8~Midnight Picnic

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You filthy communist, it's time to pay for your sins

TW: Brief mention of blood


Karl parks the car in the parking lot of a local shop. "Here we are." Karl smiles, unlocking the doors. I hop out, happy as could be. It feels nice getting away from Schlatt, even though its only been a couple days. But at the same time I miss him like hell. I don't understand why either. He is possibly the worst thing to happen to me. But everything about him is hot. Aside from him being an asshole, he is perfect. Everyone can change, including him.

     "Quack?" Karl asks, tapping my shoulder, taking me out of my thoughts.
     "Sorry-" I get cut off.
     "You were lost in thought, I know." Karl cuts me off, finishing my sentence.
     "Quack, you need to stop apologizing, you've apologized 3 times in the last 30 minutes." Karl looks at me.
     "I know, I know, I've been working on it." I mumble.
     "It's alright, it's just... you seem.... different." Karl says, staring into my eyes.
      "New year, new me?" I shrug.
     "Its November you dipshit." Karl starts laughing.
     "And?" I begin laughing with him. Hm, that changed the topic.

We walk into the shop, the time being 8:07pm, the sun being all the way set.
     "So... Sandwiches?" I ask.
     "Turkey?" Karl looks at me smiling.
      "How'd you know." I ask laughing.
     "You're my bff, also you're picky as fuck." Karl says looking at me. We both begin laughing and start walking towards the lunchmeat isle.
      "Ah here we are." Karl mumbles, picking up the turkey.
      "How about we race, I get the cheese, you get the bread." I smile. 

"Bet?" He smiles.

"Deal." I agree.

      "3...2...1...GO" I yell and start to race towards where the cheese was located. Karl knew exactly where the bread was, seeing as he's been here before. That's one hell of a disadvantage. I begin skimming the isles before I find it. Aha. I grab the swiss, no one can go wrong with swiss.

(Editor here, I fucking hate swiss)

I grab the swiss and begin running towards, seemingly, the counter. We both see each other at either sides of the store. Him in his bright purple, pink, and blue hoodie, staring at me like a shoot off. 

We both begin running towards the register, the footsteps getting more and more louder, I was picking up speed, and picking it up quick. But at the same time, so was him. I was nearing the register, not daring to look up at him. But right as I got there, he got there a split second before me. 

      "AHA GOTCHA." Karl practically screams while we both laugh our asses off, all the employees and people in the store staring at us, probably worried. I hand him the swiss and we walk over to a cashier still laughing. The cashier just sorta looked at us, not saying anything. We didn't dare say anything back, still looking at each other, giggling. I don't regret this.

We walk back to the car giggling, the parking lot being dark as hell, it being 8:32 on a November night. We jump into the car looking at the stuff. This is gonna be fun.

 He takes the car out of park and begins driving.
      "So, where are we going to go?" I ask, holding all the stuff in my lap.
      "Well... I was thinking the park?" Karl glances at me.
      "The one right next to the offices?" I ask, a bit weary.
     "Yeah... why?" Karl asks, glancing at me again, but this time longer.
     "Oh just curious.." I mumble, sounding way more sketchy.
     "Why... is there... someone you don't want seeing you?" Karl asks, his tone a lot more seriously. How the fuck did he know.
      "No, no, nothing like that, I was just curious how long the drive would take." I say chuckling at the end. Yeah I can definitely get used to lying, it helps me, and hell even him. 

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