21~ Overspeaking.

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Also, that's why I haven't been posting chapters, I've been trying to make this story the best possible for ya'll :) 

Also if there's any grammar mistakes, point them out please for the love of god point them out.

I think I'm gonna ask some fun questions for ya'll to comment on before the starts of stories, that sounds kinda fun. What do you guess think?

Who's your favorite DSMP characters? ------->

TW/CW: ED, Mention of Alcohol



I blink my eyes open to the noise of whispering. I get a bit startled, keeping utterly still. As my eyes get adjusted to the darkness I begin to see the figures of two kids. Tubbo and Tommy to be exact. 

      "I didn't know your dad had a boyfriend." I could here Tommy snicker quietly to Tubbo who just watched in either amazement or fear... or both?
     "Neither did I." I hear Tubbo mumble under his breath to Tommy.

     "What the fuck?" I finally whisper, startling them. I see Tommy grab Tubbo and force them both to duck under the coffee table, attempting to hide. I glance around to see I was sleeping in Schlatt's lap, him holding me, the blanket still around us, the Tv turned off.

I let out a long sigh, raising my eyebrow, being fully awake.
     "I know you're there, why were you watching us sleep?" I whisper, a bit louder. I see them peek their heads over the coffee table, looking at me.
     "We couldn't sleep." I finally hear Tommy whisper back to me. 

I glance from Schlatt to the kids, letting out a long sigh.
     "Alright, come on guys." I finally whisper, crawling out of Schlatt's unconscious hold. 

I get up, stretching a bit, leading the kids back to their room upstairs. I stand in their doorway as Tommy goes to a mattress on the floor and Tubbo back to his box. 

     "Can you stay for a bit, we can't sleep." Tubbo looks up at me.
     "I guess." I comply, leaning in the doorway off of my bad leg.
     "Are you and Tubbo's dad dating?" I hear Tommy ask from the mattress, looking at me.
     "In fact we are." I nod, looking at Tubbo then back to Tommy.
     "Wow." I hear Tubbo mumble.
     "So you'll be my... step dad?" Tubbo asks, raising an eyebrow.
      "If me and your dad get... married." I glance at the clock.

     "Are you going to marry my dad?" Tubbo asks, his voice was young and adorable. We just got together like a week ago.. I think? Or was it 2?
     "Perhaps." I nod my head in agreement with myself.
     "Neat." I hear Tommy nod from his mattress. 

     "You know, you're tall for your age." I look at Tommy and smile at him. 
     "And your short for yours!" Tommy responds, smiling, proud of himself.
     "Oh fuck off." I laugh, not taking it personally. But if it was an adult, I'm taking that shit outside, square up you tall bitch.
     "Well your skinny for your age." Tommy points out, not meaning any harm. I did one of those uncomfortable laughs, the one everyone does for some odd reason. 
     "Yeah... heh...." I put my hand through my hair, obviously uncomfortable. I watch as Tubbo punches Tommy on the arm. We sit in awkward silence as they try and comprehend what just happened. Like from their prospective we were roasting each other, and I was embarrassed by my metabolism. Like I'm not, It just caught me off guard. Can people really notice? I don't show my stomach do I? If I just hide it. I've been sick so this is normal, stop panicking Big Q. Stop panicking. 

     "I think it's time for bed!" I break the uncomfy silence. 

I watch as both Tommy and Tubbo glance at each other, nodding slowly.
     "Hey uh... are you sure you're okay?" Tubbo speaks as I turn towards the door. I take a deep breath in, looking behind me.
     "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit tired!" I turn off the lights, ending that conversation. 

As I walk down the hallway, I begin to feel terrible. It's my fault. If I would just take care of my goddamn body. Everyone has noticed. Wilbur, Schlatt, fucking Tommy

I avoid all the mirrors, too embarrassed to even look in the reflection. I was too embarrassed to do anything. I hated my body. I hated this. Why.

I feel a tear fall down my cheek as I feel myself getting lightheaded again. I walk towards the living room, going to wake Schlatt up. If I passed out in the middle of the hallway, that wouldn't be good. But it's not his fault I'm crying. If I would just stop. I feel the tears begin to fall quicker, my vision becoming completely blurred. 

I reluctantly wake him up, gently shaking him on the shoulder, my breathing was terrible, breathing way too fast. I watch him slowly blink his eyes open, waking up.
     "Quackity?" I hear him mumble, squinting in the darkness of the living room.
     "I... I'm having a panic attack." I try to make deep breaths, still crying. I begin shaking again. 

"It's okay, come here." Schlatt sits up, opening the blanket. I run over to him, crawling into his arms. He wraps his arms around me, rocking me back and forth, shushing my cries. He had began to put his hand through my hair, soothing my tears. My tears slowly stopped falling as I felt myself calming down, falling back to sleep. Schlatt placed a kiss gently on my head, still hugging me, rocking back and forth.

It oddly reminding me about that night with Karl, the way he would rock me when I had gotten distressed. It was weirdly like this but I feel like Schlatt's was out of love while Karl's was out of pity.



Summer break bitches, finally. (May 27th, 2021)

I sprained my ankle from jumping on a trampoline lol.

Words: 1023

Ya'll the reason I decided on him having an ED was because I had one, so I know what it's like. :D Also I'm extremely uncomfy with writing eating scenes because of that. But like if you guys want me to completely take out the whole ED thing, I will. 

 -Toast <3 

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