30~How'd You Know?

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ayyyye 5k reads! Pog.


My body shivers as I begin to wake up, the comfortable blanket wrapped around me, Schlatt nowhere to be seen. I blink steadily, adjusting my eyes to the sun glistening through the barely opened curtains.

I roll over towards the alarm clock, blinking my eyes a couple times to read the bright red numbers, the blurriness of being tired finally wearing off. 


I sigh deeply out of my nose. My alarm goes off in 10 minutes... It's better to just wake up.

My arm weakly grabbing onto the clock, turning off the timer. I set it back down on the bed stand, laying my head back down on my grey pillow, the fluffiness gone away completely. It was bland and sad. 

I give myself one more decent breath before finally throwing the blanket aside, throwing my legs off of the bed. My sockless feet had froze on the cold hardwood floor. God I wished there was a carpet in here. Just one carpet.

I tiredly begin to walk down the hall, silence in my step. I hear the shower on in the bathroom. He's probably getting ready for work... so should I.

I stop in my tracks, turning back to our bedroom. I walk towards the closet, grabbing out my regular suit and blue tie. I quickly strip, throwing my other clothes in our clothes hamper. I put on my pants, throwing on my white button up. 

I begin buttoning up my shirt as I hear the door open, my attention immediately going to the sound. I look up at the ram, him all the way dressed.

     "Oh... goodmorning, I was just about to wake you up." He stands in the doorway, looking down at my bare chest.
      "I swear to god, you staring all the time." I jokingly complain, turning around so that he couldn't see, pretending to be upset. "It's making me self conscious." 

He just laughs under his breath, walking towards me. He gives me a quick kiss on my cheek, smiling down at me. 
      "I can't help myself sometimes." He kisses me again, this time on my lips. His voice was low and gravely from either, just waking up, or smoking. I could taste the nicotine in the kiss. It was foul. Though I've been slowly getting used to the taste and smell of the drug. It's becoming more of a comfort instead of a hatred.

I giggle quietly into the kiss, my hand slowly going to his shoulder, gently holding it for a better connection for the kiss. I pull out of the kiss, making eye contact with him. His eyes were a gorgeous golden amber color, though some days they'd be orange, and other a brownish color. Whenever he was drunk, his beautiful eyes left their shine, instead were filled with a drowsy anger. 

I find myself staring into his eyes for a little too long, him also staring into my eyes, probably thinking the same about me. I quickly blink my eyes, catching the man off guard, him then looking away.

     "Anyways... almost ready?" He asks, readjusting his suit. 
     "I really just need to button up my shirt, then yeah." I answer back, finishing buttoning the rest of them. 
     "Yeah, cause I wanted to talk to you about last night." His words made my heart sink. Which part? The Wilbur thing? Is he gonna be president with me? Is he going to stop smoking? It could be anything.

I clear my throat, glancing around, uncomfortable. "You want to just talk about it in the car?" I try to push the subject away.
     "No, here's fine." He looks down at me sternly.
     "I really think we should go out to the car." I protest to him.
     "Oh it's okay, I don't mind talking here." He continues to stand his ground, still looking down on me.
     "Fine, what?" I sigh, looking up at him.
     "You do realise I can hear you crying in the bathroom, the walls in this house are thin as all hell." He lowers his voice a little bit, but not a lot.
      "Oh." I gave a simple response, not wanting to tell him why. 
     "Tell me, why were you crying?" The look on his face was full of power. If I were to lie about this, he could tell. He's been around me for so long he knows my body language. Can decode it in a blink of an eye.
     "Well uh..." I glance around, trying to find any way to avoid this conversation. 

I hear him sigh above me. "Quackity, sweet heart" His hand finds its way to my jaw, guiding my face to look at him. "you don't have to hide in the bathroom to cry. I don't mind your tears." I smile at this friendly jester. 

He slowly brings our faces together, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I feel as his hand goes to the hair in my face, brushing it away. "Once you're ready to talk, so am I." He nods to me, stepping away, and leaving the room. 

I stare at the open doorway, thinking about all that had happened. So he came in here, kissed me, confronted me for crying, then kissed me again. I continue to button up my shirt. Should I tell him? I glance up at the mirror on the desk. He won't understand. My hand grabs onto the small mirror, turning it away. It's better if he didn't know.

I take a deep breath in, glancing at the doorway that was left open. It was oddly quiet, meaning that Schlatt was most likely in the kitchen. I begin to walk down the hallway, glancing down the balcony. I then walk down the wooden stairs, a slight creak as I walk. 

I glance over to the kitchen counter, his phone illuminating his face in the otherwise dark room. I continue to walk down, this time staying as silent as possible, trying to not stop to heavily.

I walked quietly towards him, going up behind him. I allowed my hands to fall to his shoulders, causing him to jump. His breathing hitched, looking behind him, looking at me. 
     "You scared the shit out of me." His voice was breathless, meaning I had indeed, 'scared the shit out of him.'
      "That's the point, ain't it?" My voice was a quiet mumble, kissing him on the cheek quickly. 
      "Ready to leave?" I ask him, my hand trailing up to his face, fixing his brunette hair.

     "Yeah." He gave a simple answer, getting up from his chair. We both begin walking towards the front door, me behind him. We got to the car, me hopping into the passenger seat.

I buckle my seatbelt, glancing at the time. 6:56am.

(my keyboard broke :D So now EVERYTHING IS FAWKING UNDERLINED-)

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" 




today I learned how to cook enchiladas. Do you guys put meat in your enchiladas? Just curious, cause my family doesn't. 

Summary: Schlatt confronted Quackity about crying, they're in the car. 

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