10~A Date..? (Kinda spicy?)

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Heyoooo :) This chapter is gonna have some spicy moments if that's fine, once again, I'll give summaries at the end.

 You know, it just occurred to me that this book is ridiculously long.

TW: uhm.... injury?


I slowly wake up to me in Schlatt's arms, him holding me like a teddy bear. Instead of trying to leave, I sink back down into his warmth, getting comfy again. 

TIME SKIP---------------------10AM

I wake up a second time, Schlatt still next to me. The alarm doesn't go off for another 30 minutes. I glance over, Schlatt's hands on my waist. Eh if I move I might wake him. Then again....  I look at the clock 6:03. Hm.... 27 more minutes.... yeah I'll go make breakfast.

I slide out of his grasp, careful not to wake him up, sliding on a shirt on the ground. I slowly tip toe down the hallway, careful not to make too much noise.  I reach the stairs and sneak down them. I see the kitchen and begin to walk towards it. Pancakes? 

I search the cabinets for stuff for pancakes. I have all the ingredients, perfect. I carefully add the ingredients, making sure to make the measurements perfect. I finally make the batter, heating the pan up.

I slowly pour in the pancake mix. Yeah I know what I'm doing. I've made pancakes before, I don't live under a rock. Though I may not be good at it, I know what to do. 

I let the pancake begin to bubble on the pan, signaling it was ready to flip. Wait... where are the spatulas....  I quickly move the pan to a different burner and begin searching through all the drawers. Where the fuck does he keep his spatulas. All of his drawers were neatly organized, silverware is one, pans in another, containers, etc. It was honestly impressive how well neat it was. 

I finally open a drawer with the spatulas. I slide it under the pancake and flip it. Ah, there we go. I flipped the pancake perfectly, making me extremely proud of myself. 

I continue to make pancakes, putting them on a plate next to me. I then hear the stairs creak behind me, seeing Schlatt walking down the stairs, buttoning his undershirt. "Oh goodmorning, babe." He comes up behind me, looking over my shoulder. I look up and put my hand on his chin, kissing him. "Morning." I smile. 

"So what're you making?" He leans in the doorway. "Fucking tacos." I joke. "Hm... those tacos are looking awfully.... like pancakes." Schlatt plays along with the joke.
     "They're special." I laugh. He begins laughing with me. 

With no warning, I grab a pancake and throw it at him. He quickly catches it mid air, not even getting a chance to hit him.
     "Wow, where'd you learn to catch like that?" I was honestly impressed.
     "When you're constantly on a hit list, you learn a thing or two." He shrugs, taking a bite out of the pancake.
     "Hit list?" I glance back, raising an eyebrow.
     "Yeah, corporate owner, big bad guy. I've got a lot of money, so a big reward." He rambles on, still taking bites out of his pancake.
     "Wow, do you think they'll try and hurt me?" I glance back at the pancakes, before turning off the stove.
     "Won't let them." He stares at the wall.
     "How would you stop them?" I lean up against the counter, my arms crossed.
      "Do you ever wonder why I keep you a secret." He looks at me out of the corner of his eyes,
      "That... actually makes a lot of sense." I nod, turning around, grabbing a pancake. 

     "Well, shouldn't we head to work?" I ask, still eating my pancake.
     "Yeah we probably should." Schlatt agrees, getting out of the doorway, getting out of my way.
     "Oh yeah, Here." Schlatt stops me, throwing me a new suit.
     "Holy shit, you didn't have too." My smile was huge.
     "No, no, I got blood all over your other one, its the least I can do." Schlatt reassures me. 

I smile, immediately putting on the new suit.

"Oh my god, it fits surprisingly well." I look at myself, the suit fitting nice on my body.
    "I thought it would." He nods, smiling to himself. "Well lets head out to the car." I grab a small pancake for the road, sliding on my shoes.

 I open the door and walk out to the car, leaving the door open for Schlatt. I open the car door, sitting in the passengers seat, waiting for him. I watch him lock the front door, walking towards the car. He opens the door, sitting down. The sun was just barely coming up.
     "The sun is gorgeous." I smile huge.
     "It's a ball of fire. Of course its gorgeous." Schlatt starts up the car as I stare at the sun. He grabs a pair of sunglasses off the dashboard and places them on my face, darkening the blinding sun.
     "Come on dude." I laugh, not bothering to take off the glasses.
     "Do you want cancer?" Schlatt laughs, looking over at me.
     "Perhaps?" I question myself, still mesmerized by the sun. 

Schlatt fully looks over at me, staring at me.
     "Seriously, don't stare at the sun." He tries to get my attention, but of course, I'm still staring at the sun.
     "Quackity, stop." He tries to get my attention again. I feel Schlatt grab my face and move my head so its not facing the sun, which was right ahead of us. Instead he moved my head so I was right next to his.
     "Kiss me." I slur my words because of how hard he was holding onto my face. 

Schlatt shrugs, moving our faces closer, causing our lips to meet. I close my eyes as I feel one of his hands move to my hair, pulling us closer. The kiss turned into fully making out. I moved my hand to his back, pulling him closer. Our make-out session got interrupted by his phone going off, causing him to pull away from the kiss to answer it. I immediately try to become as silent as I could. 

      "Yeah, yeah, better get that fucking paperwork done. I'm in the car right now, and once I get there, if you don't have my shit done, you're dead." Schlatt's voice was aggressive and aggravated, hanging up immediately after.

He looks back at me, his aggressive tone and body language completely gone away. God is he hot.
     "Anyways, we should get to work." Schlatt shrugs.
     "Agreed." I nod, still fazed by him kissing me. 

     "Hey there's this club thingy they're have tonight, you can join me if you want. It's a masquerade theme, which is perfect." Schlatt glances at me, not taking his eyes off the road.
     "Oh I'd love to." I smile, glad to be included. 

     "Have you ever drank before?" He looks at me.
     "Oh uh. No actually." I look at him, shaking my head. 

     "You haven't?" Schlatt looks at me.
     "Yeah, just haven't really found a reason too." I look at him.
     "I could take your out for your first drink?" He fully looks at me.
     "That'd actually be lovely." I smile.
     "The club actually has them." Schlatt looks back at the road. 

We pulled into the parking lot and Schlatt unlocks the doors to let me out.
     "Wait Schlatt, how fucked up is my face?" I look at him.
     "Eh it looks a lot better." Schlatt puts his hand on my bruised face.
     "Does that still hurt?" Schlatt pushes down on it.
     "Fuck. Yeah it does." I wince and move my head back.
     "Yeah we really need to get you to Niki." Schlatt mumbles.
     "Do you think I  broke your nose?" Schlatt asks, all of his attention on me.
     "I'm not sure, all I know is it hurts like fuck." I say, his hand still feeling my face. 

All of a sudden I feel him push down on my nose, causing me to yelp out in pain and try and move my head back.
     "Stay still, holy shit." He mumbles, grabbing my head and moving it back.
     "It hurts like hell, man." I mumble, trying to turn my head to block him touching my nose.
     "Oh my god." Schlatt whispers, obviously annoyed, putting my head back, this time with a lot more force. I stay still. I feel him grab my nose and feel around for the bone, sending pain throughout my body. I wanted to scream, to kick, to punch him, but I knew I'd just get in more trouble so I just took the pain. 

He finally feels in a certain place, causing the most amount of pain I've ever felt, causing me to yell out in pain, making a tear go down my face. He pulls back his hand, just now realizing he was putting me through that much pain.




Summary: Schlatt and Quackity made out in the car, they're at the work place rn

Word Count 1551

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