4~The Morning After

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My eyes flutter open as I begin stretching. As I was stretching I had smacked into something... or a fucking lamp? My eyes open up fully as I sit up, looking around me. Where am I? I'm in a bed? Where's my shirt? Why don't I have a shirt? I noticed a picture frame on the bedside table, it having Schlatt and Puffy in it.

As I was thinking I didn't realize Schlatt standing in the doorway, watching me.

"Morning shithead!" I hear Schlatt yell out in the doorway, throwing my beanie at me.

"Oh thank god." I place the hat on my head.

"What time do we have to head out for work?" I glance up at the clock and back to him.

"About...." He looks at his watch, "In like 30-40 minutes."

"Sounds good." I watch him walk over to the bed, sitting down on the edge next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer into something like a hug. I lie my head down on his shoulder. We sit in silence, comfortable silence.

We sit like that for about 10 minutes, our breathing synchronized. I began to fall asleep on his shoulder.

He finally breaks the silence, whispering something.

"Shouldn't we get ready for work?" He whispers. I nod my head slightly, opening my eyes. He places a kiss on my head, getting up from the bed. I get up and follow him, still shirtless.

"I cleaned your suit, it's folded in the bathroom." Schlatt points over at a door.

"Thanks, pumpkin." I snicker at the pet name.

"No problem, baby." Schlatt also makes fun of the names.

I walk over to the bathroom, immediately finding the neatly folded suit. I put on my white button-up shirt, looking at myself in the mirror, placing the beanie neatly on my head, putting my sunglasses onto my beanie. I put on my typical blue tie and black overcoat.

I stop and look at myself in the mirror. Instead of the normal gloomy side of me, I felt happy. It was... weird. It wasn't normal. I stand in the bathroom longer than I intended, staring at myself in the mirror, smiling. Maybe, this year will be better, different even.

I walked out of the bathroom, walking down the hallway and down the stairs. I see Schlatt sitting at the table, scrolling through Twitter.

"Are we ready?" He takes notice of me, turning off his phone and placing it in his pocket, standing up.

"You've better believe it," I say, walking up to him. I grab his tie, pulling him down to my level, giving him a quick kiss. He doesn't fight against it. He then fixes his tie and we walk towards his door.

"Wheres the shoes?" Schlatt looks down at the mat where he normally places his shoes. I glance down at the floor, seeing a single shoe in the middle of the hallway leading to the living room. I glance back up to him and at the shoe.

"I somehow forgot." I watch him walk over to the shoe, following the path. I follow behind him, the shoes being the only thing left, everything else cleaned and normal.

He throws me my shoes and I catch them, sliding them on. They were formal black shoes, nothing exciting. Man, I've always wanted some of the light-up sketchers if you know what I'm talking about? If not, you're missing out.

We both walk towards the front door, him holding it for me. We walk outside, him following behind. We walk out to his car.

I hop into the passenger's seat as he starts up the small black car. We sit there, waiting for it to warm up.

Blue Looks Better on Flowers- Schlatt x QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now