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TW/CW Mention on pills/ Vomit/ Kinda ED (Eating Disorder) idk what you would classify that.


I noticed and immediately pulled out of the kiss, Schlatt being confused then realising and standing there completely stunned. 

Karl also stands there in an extremely awkward silence, nothing being said. We both stared at each other, him removing his hands from my waist and putting them into his pocket, rushing over to his chair.

The papers in Karl's hands had fallen out of his hands. He was completely speechless.  

     "Alex, what the fuck." Karl finally breaks the silence, his face going completely to anger.
     "Wait until Sap hears this." Karl shakes his head.
     "About that...." I cringe a bit, walking towards Karl, pretty embarrassed about what he jus saw. 
     "What's that supposed to mean?" Karl's anger slowly turns to confusion.
     "Me and Schlatt are dating, Nick knows." I look in the other direction. I watch as Karl's facial expression falls to disappointment, looking up at Schlatt for confirmation. Schlatt just nods to him, confirming it.
      "So that dude on those calls were Schlatt?" Karl looks from me to him. I nod slowly and glance back to Schlatt who was sitting back there with his arms crossed.
     "Yeah, I kinda live with him." I laugh to myself awkwardly. No duh it was awkward, we were just making out and he just walked in. 
     "Well... when did you move in?" Karl picks up the papers from the floor, curious. 
     "Well, I just got the house sold 2 days ago." I nod to myself, still glancing back to Schlatt for confirmation.
      "Oh... That's... awesome.." He looks kinda upset with me. "Anyways, Schlatt here's your papers." Karl had walked towards his desk and set down the papers.
     "I need to go to my office, Karl, do you want to go with me or are you pissed at me?" I lean in the doorway.
     "Yeah." Karl finally exhales, walking towards me and smiling.

We both walk towards our offices, having a fun conversation, like none of that has ever happened. 

----------------time skip Quackity is alone in his office, doing work and shit Idk 8:04am-12:45pm

I stretch and get up from my chair, glancing up at the clock revealing it had been time for lunch.

I get up and walk to the break room, grabbing an apple off of the fruit bowl our office had for some reason. We're so underpaid, but at least we had a fruit bowl and coffee machine. I sit down at the table, grabbing out my phone to play on it. I scroll through the messages, leaving most, almost all of them on read, not having enough energy to respond to them. It was honestly exhausting, all the messages. 

While I was staring at my phone I had realized my killer headache had come back. I laid my hand on my head, it feeling extremely hot. Is this what being hungover feels like? All over I had began to feel extremely sick. The apple I was eating all of a sudden became something that made me gag. I looked at the apple and back out the window. 

The only thing I have eaten in 2 days was a bite of a goddamn apple. Why wasn't I hungry? Is my appetite being ruined apart of being hungover? I looked at the apple and felt gross with myself. Before I knew what I was doing, I walked towards the trash can. 

As I threw away the apple I began feeling a bundle of feelings. Guilt, sadness, sickness. This stupid hangover. Why did I ever drink. I fall to my knees and lean over the trash can, my sickness being terrible. My head and stomach hurt as I slowly realized the medicine had stopped working. 

I threw up in the trash can, most of it being water from the lack of food I had been eating. Also the alcohol.

I slowly get up, everything shaking. I glance in the window reflection, my face being pale. I should go home. I walk towards the door, weakly opening it. 

I felt that if I attempted to walk the stairs to Schlatt's office, I'd pass out. My office? Too far. Karl's office? Still too far. Closest Office...? Wilbur.

I slowly walk towards Wilbur's office, knocking weakly on the door. I watch as the door slowly opens, Wilbur's face filled with confusion as he sees me, going to instant worry.
     "Holy shit, you look dead." Wilbur practically catches me as I collapse onto him. 
      "Uhhh Quackity...?" Wilbur stands there, me in his arms before he sets me down on a random chair in his office. 
     "Call Schlatt... Niki.... someone..." I mumble under my breath, shading my eyes from the bright lights. I watch Wilbur quickly take his phone out of his pocket, texting someone before putting it on his desk. 
     "What even happened?" Wilbur pulls up a chair next to me, sitting next to me. 
     "I don't know." I talk mumble, breathing heavily, the shaking not going away. 
     "Do you care if I touch you?" I nod slowly to him. He puts his hand on my wrist, checking my pulse. I flinch for some reason. Like he fucking told me he was gonna do it. Why the hell did I flinch?? When I flinched, Wilbur immediately takes his hand off of me raising an eyebrow. 
     "Sorry." I mumble under my breath, putting my arm back so he could check my pulse. He slowly puts his hand on my wrist, cautious with me. He looks at my bruises up my arm, not saying anything.
     "Your heart is beating oddly slow...." Wilbur takes his hand off of mine looking honestly really worried. He looks over at the door, glancing over at me occasionally, making sure I was still conscious. 

Which I honestly didn't know myself. Was I conscious? I sure didn't feel conscious.

I watch as the door finally opens and Schlatt walks in, confused at first then seeing me. 
     "Schlatt, he's gotta go home, he doesn't look too good." Wilbur talks fast, making hand motions towards me. 
    "Holy shit." Schlatt mumbles, going towards me. He kneels down. 
     "His heart rate is slowly by the second, I think the dude is gonna faint." Wilbur stands over Schlatt who was also checking my heart rate.
     "Yeah he looks like he's going to faint." Schlatt mumbles, standing up, rushing out of the room.
     "Where the fuck are you going?" Wilbur goes to follow him before stopping. Wilbur waits in the doorway, watching me. Schlatt quickly returns with a glass of water, sitting down next to me, giving me water. My world was slowly spinning around me. 
     "Drink this." I hear Schlatt speak clearly to me. I nod slowly, taking small sips. 
     "Breathe man, breathe." Wilbur attempts to help me. He takes deep breaths, me repeating his breathing patterns, calming me down. 

     "His color to his face is coming back." Wilbur points to my face looking back at Schlatt. Schlatt just nods to himself, once again leaving. Will doesn't comment this time, still breathing with me.

Schlatt comes back with an apple, handing it to me. I look at it and back up at him. 
     "When's the last time you've eaten." Wilbur sits down next to me, putting an arm over me surprising me by the sudden contact. I flinch before getting used to his touch.
     "Is he always this jumpy..?" Wilbur looks up at Schlatt. Schlatt just shrugs, handing the apple to Wilbur before going to the doorway.
     "I'm going to go get Nick or something." Schlatt says before leaving the room, leaving me and Wilbur.
     "Big Q?" Wilbur keeps trying to offer me the apple. I felt like a fucking child. I was being forced to eat a fruit. I usually was never that picky, I'd always eat the fruit I liked, apples being my favorite.
     "2." I finally say, thinking about it in my head.
     "No wonder you look like you're gonna pass out, you've got to eat man." His arm still around me. I couldn't even comment on in, I felt numb. It was the weirdest thing ever, I felt so numb but so sick at the same time.
     "I'll throw up." I answer coldly, spaced out. Wilbur holds the apple, leaning over and setting it down on his desk.
     "Hangover?" He asks, his arm being around me. I nod slowly, my head killing me. I seriously just needed those painkillers right now
      "Why do you flinch so much?" Wilbur takes note of my bruises and my face. This was my chance. This. He could save me.
      "He-" I got interrupted by the door entering and Schlatt walking in, Wilbur looking back at me, patting me with his arm, removing his hand from my shoulder, getting up to stand next to Schlatt. 
     "I got Nick to agree to take you home, you need it." Schlatt nods to himself. I look over to Sapnap in the doorway, walking in. 
     "Thank you Wilbur." Schlatt smiles at his friend. I give Wilbur a warm smile. As Schlatt turns I try and hint at it to Wilbur, using words with my eyes but he didn't get the message. Jesus Christ.



Summary: Karl caught Schlatt and Quackity making out, Quackity's medicine had stopped working, Quackity almost passed out, Wilbur helped Quackity, Sapnap is taking Quackity to his house to watch over him. 

yee haw

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