29~Late Nights

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TW/CW: Mention of pills/ mention of alcohol/ body dysmorphia/ all that fun stuff.

You know, today I made a mask. The good part, it's terrifying and I can scare people. But the bad part, I put a symbol on it cause I thought it looked cool. Later did I find out it's a Nazi symbol----------

The air was cold and crisp, the hold on my waist was warm and welcoming. I shutter, the late fall breeze on my exposed knees, my dark-navy jeans having rips in them. Partially for design, other half because of Schlatt's anger episodes. The glass shards, the knives, guns, me being thrown. It all adds up, my clothes are ruined. 

I shiver, holding myself closer to the man. 

      "I'm cold as hell." I whine, pulling my beanie so it covers my face, hugging my body. I feel him slowly roll up my beanie, showing my glossy, from crying, chocolate eyes. Schlatt glances at his cigarettes. He throws it on the ground, putting it out. His hand goes up to my face, holding by the chin. He moves my head so that I was looking at him. 

He wipes the hair out of my face, kissing my forehead. 
      "You really are the love of my life, you know that?" He looks down at me, placing another kiss on me. I give a smile at him, enjoying the attention. It was nice. Who wouldn't like the attention?

      "I can say the same about you." I smile at my boyfriend, sliding my hand under his so that we were holding each others hands. 
      "Out of everyone I've dated, you've been my favorite." I make eye contact with him while I said that, my voice tone being quiet and sweet. 
      "Aren't you straight out of college?" Schlatt asks, raising his eyebrow. 
      "Basically, yeah. It was about a month before we started dating that I dropped out. School wasn't exactly for me." I mumble, fidgeting with his hand. 
      "So you're like 26?" Schlatt takes a random guess at my age. Have I never told him how old I was? Did he really not know?

      "22 actually." I correct him, he looks at me in disbelief, looking me up and down.
      "22? I'm 30." Schlatt thinks about his age, telling me. His hand goes through my hair, pushing it out of my face. 
       "I didn't know that actually. I thought you were like 25?" I continue to play with his hand, talking to him. 
       "25? And owning a successful business? I don't think so." He scoffs, flipping his hair back. "Even 30 is pretty young for owning a good business." 

      "So, you quit college, to work a 9-5?" Schlatt questions my life decisions, like I didn't do that enough.
      "It was my depression and mental illness issues." I answer, me beginning to fidget a lot more out of a tad bit of embarrassment. 
       "Depression? Sweat heart, that's just in your head." He leans down, giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. I stay silent, studying his face, it being a genuine expression.
       "Wait, you don't believe me?" I ask, looking at him with disbelief, "you're joking, right?" 

He looks me in the eye, his expression staying motionless. "Does it look like I'm joking. Depression is just something in your head, you're just imagining it." He rolls his eyes, placing his hand on my chin, "besides, I've never seen you 'depressed'." 

I stay speechless, trying to comprehend what he just said. Maybe he's right. It's just in my head. He knows best. 
      "Yeah... all in my head." I agree, spacing out, staring at his hand which I was holding. "I just... it doesn't-" I get cut off by him julting my chin up. 
      "I don't want to hear one more peep about this bullshit." He forces me to look at him, his words being filled with authority. "Alright?" 

I slowly nod my head, looking the other direction. He's not really saying what I think he's saying. His hand slowly slides down my chin, tracing my jawline. His hands fall to both of mine, grasping them.

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