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Tw/Cw: None really, maybe the occasional blood mention, but... come on.... no duh.


I slowly blink my eyes open, expecting to see white. Instead, I saw dark... I saw out the dusty window, seeing the tint of the rising sun in the distance. I barely glance up, seeing Schlatt knocked out, a peaceful expression on his tear dark tear-stained face, his hair a mess, everything about him being a mess. The golden color shining against rosy cheeks and flawless facial hair. God, this man was gorgeous. 

I breathe in softly, laying my head back against his delicate chess, hearing his slow and melodious heartbeat, feeling his pulse. Knowing he was here for me. I close my eyes slowly, hugging onto him. I feel as my waterline fills, letting out some tears. The tears falling onto his chest, soaking the fabric of his shirt. 

     "I love you," I mumble softly. "I love you so much."

I dig my face into his chest, drifting back to sleep, me feeling a feeling of safety and contentment. 


      "...Alex?" I hear someone mumble, their voice wasn't Schlatt. I know damn well it wasn't Schlatt. I slowly blink my eyes, pure confusion in my expression. I look at the man, trying to decipher their facial features.

     "Wilbur?" I ask, my voice being soft and feeble. 
     "Holy fuck, you're alive," Wilbur mumbles happily, his hand falling to mine gently. I soon notice Schlatt isn't around. "We thought you wouldn't wake up!" He smiles at me, weirdly optimistic seeing as I could've been dead. 

    "Wheres... Schlatt?" I ask, my voice still hurting. He looks at me, seeming decently intrigued for some reason. 
      "Oh, he went out to get pain medicine for you I believe, he told me to watch you." He answers truthfully, still holding my shaky hand. "What happened to your voice man?" 

      "Did Schlatt tell you about the fight?" I ask him, blinking my eyes to get adjusted to the dim light in the room, someone shutting the curtain on the window facing me. He simply nods his head, signaling, he did, indeed, know about the fight.

    "Well, my throat is bruised from him grabbing it." My pained raspy tone was noticeable as I spoke. He nods again, still holding my hand, decently gently. I never questioned it. 

I attempt to get up before Wilbur quickly, but gently, pushes me back onto the couch. "No, no, where do you think you're going?" Will quickly mumbles, looking down at me. 
     "I'm thirsty?" I ask him, confused at the encounter. "Okay, I'll go get it, you can't move alright?" Wilbur stands up and begins to walk towards the kitchen, grabbing out a water bottle from the fridge. The way the room stands, if the living room door is open, I can see the kitchen perfectly fine. 

He walks back into the room, tossing the water bottle to me, which I caught. Barely, but I still caught it. I took small sips at it, occasionally glancing at the man who stood before me. It was eerily threatening, his presence over me, watching me sip on this water. This man gives me bad vibes. 

     "So... When will Schlatt get back?" I question him, making obvious small talk to avoid the awkwardness that was this moment. 
      "Any minute now honestly." He answers, glancing at his watch then back at me. 
      "Ah... lovely." I let out a small smile. 

The room was deafeningly quiet, the sound of his watch ticking echoing throughout the room. Not another single sound. It was just quiet. Tick, Tick, Tick.

We make eye contact again, his hand still holding mine.
Tick, Tick, Tick.
He glances back at his watch again.
Tick, Tick, Tick.
     "Jesus fuck, I never thought it would be able to get any more awkward!" Wilbur basically takes the words directly out of my mouth, speaking the painfully obvious truth about this situation. His tone was decently hyper like he didn't want to be there, but at the same time did. It was a weird combination of the two.

     "Fuck. What do you want to talk about?" I ask him, laying my head back down on the couch pillow. 
     "What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?" He asks, sitting criss-cross on the floor beside me, looking up at me, still holding my hand. 
     "I smoked weed at 12, I ran away a couple of times, I did hella drugs, I stabbed someone, I never actually underage drank." I gave a list of things, smiling down at the man under me, occasionally swaying our hands back and forth. 
      "Bloody hell man. I was going to say I had burnt down my neighbor's tree, I feel like your life is a lot more interesting." He murmurs, smiling a bit at my insane life. 
       "I guess you can say that." I giggle a bit under my breath. 

We hear the front door begin to unlatch, Schlatt walking in with a small grocery sack full of medicine, antibiotics, wrap, anything you can think of. He sets the bag on the table, his face a look of pure exhaustion and depression. You could tell he was stressed by this situation.

Schlatt glances in the doorway, noticing me being well... alive. I watch as his depressed expression drops as he stares in disbelief at my state. Wilbur steps away, smiling a bit and sitting in the chair on the other side of the room from me.

The ram begins to walk towards me, soon picking up speed, practically sliding in front of me. Schlatt drops down to his knees in front of the couch, wrapping me deeply in a loving hug. 

I hear him sniffle a couple of tears as he hugs me, tears of pure joy. He probably thought I had died in my sleep. I thought I died in my sleep. But, rest assured, I'm alive. Not well, but alive. 

I hug him back quickly, silence consuming the both of us, pure happiness spreading amongst our faces. 
       "I thought you fucking died! I love you pumpkin, I missed you so much." He murmurs stuff under his breath, his voice muffled from his face pushed against my clothes. I hug him harder, smiling deeply in the hug.

I stay quiet, there truly was no proper way to express my happiness. 

      "I... love you too." I smile softly into the hug, enjoying whatever was happening. 

We stayed silent for a second, holding each other close. I couldn't express true emotion, as he had ruined that for me. It was a weird mixture of emotions. Sadness was the main one. Though there were hints of anger. Anger that he had done this to me. Happiness. Happiness that he had saved me. Disgust at the wounds. Fear at the idea of losing him. The blinding light around me, my breathing becoming deep and shaky.

I begin to feel a single warm tear slide down my frozen face, the shock still showing its effects. Like it had hit a tripwire, the rest of the tears came flooding through, soaking his shirt. I begin breathing in and out heavily, hyperventilating at the emotions. What the fuck is even happening?

I hold him as hard as possible, shaking my head into his hold. His hand finds its way to my hair, shushing my cries quietly. He twirls his hand in my dark hair, the hand finding its way to my chin, holding my face up barely to look at me. 

I look at him a give a small smile, the tears dripping onto the floor. We stare into each other's glossy eyes for a second before my hand trails to his, holding it. I lean in barely, Schlatt also committing. 

Our lips connected barely, the kiss being soft and meaningful. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, the room being everything except silent. The wind outside was hell. There was a storm coming either tomorrow or the day after that, you could tell from the wind. 

After a second or two I had disconnected our lips, breathing out a gentle exhale on his rosy lips. I go back in for a hug, my face being muffled into his shirt.

(again with me not finishing the chapter, I will finish it later, but here's the summary

Summary: Wilbur and Quackity chill until Schlatt gets home, they chill, they change Quackity's wrap and put propper medicine on it, they go back to the couch and cuddle, watching a movie, they fall asleep. Aw, cute ending lol. )

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