24~Don't Hurt Me.

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TW: Gun, Sexual Assault (okay it was attempted, he doesn't actually do it, for one, I'm uncomfy with that kind of stuff, for two, I don't want for people to think its okay to do that kind of stuff <3) 


"Babe," I mumble loud enough he can hear, "put the fucking gun down."

Schlatt's smile haunts me. It's pure insanity. I have a feeling he's not going to put it down. 
    "Quackity, you know I love you.. right?" Schlatt takes the gun and slowly slides it against my face, the metal making me shiver. I stay silent, knowing my life was on the line in this moment. 
    "Right?" He moves the gun to my chest, pushing it into where my heart is. My body begins shaking as I close my eyes, my chest rising and falling quickly in fear. 
    "You trust me... right?" He whispers into my ear, the grip on my wrist loosening and going up to my face, holding me. I slowly nod, afraid of what he would do.
     "Really now? Then you wouldn't be a whore constantly." Schlatt pushes the gun into my chest more. Most likely going to leave a bruise. When was I ever a whore? Why would that be a bad thing?
    "Whore?" I ask, my voice breaking. "What are you talking about?
    "Don't play stupid. I know the way you look at Nick and Karl and all your so called 'friends'.." He emphasizes the names, rolling his eyes as the grip on my face causing actual pain.
    "It's not-" I get cut off by the gun clicking from under me, I attempt to look down before Schlatt grabs onto my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.  

    "It's not what?" His voice was loud, demanding, angry, no longer whispering. "Tell me, what is it not."
     "I don't love them like I love you." I breath in and out, calming myself down. "I love, I love you a lot, you are everything I have. Of course I love you." I try and keep my voice from breaking, trying not to burst out in tears. 

The air was heavy with fear, heavy with sadness, humid with the rain.

I close my eyes and breath heavy, his hold on my face was sending shivers down my spine. I was terrified.

My hand slides up to his chest, my eyes opened and I looked him in the eyes. I shudder with fear.

I lean up to him, kissing him on the lips, catching him off guard. He kisses back, the hand on my face going to my waist.

I use that as a time to grab the gun, sliding it out of his grasp. He doesn't fight back, instead using his other hand and putting that one on my waist too. He had both of his hands on either side of me, making me practically unable to move.

I throw the gun, it skidding across the floor. My other hand makes its way to his face, giving in for a deeper kiss. The sound of thunder echoed throughout the house. 

I was so beyond confused. Why couldn't we just talk this through, why'd he use a gun? The gun was too far in my opinion. All of this was too far. You know come to think of it, I'm sorta proving his point of being a whore. Instead of getting shot, I'm making out with him. You've gotta do what you've gotta do.

I feel as Schlatt begins to push me backwards towards the wall, as I couldn't necessarily do anything about it seeing as he had both of my waists. I get even more terrified at the lack of knowing of what he was going to do. He slowly takes his lips off of mine, the look of pure evil in his eyes. He could punch me, god I hope he was only planning on punching me and nothing else. Please Schlatt, nothing else. 

As I get shoved against the wall, I felt the air physically escape from me, making me cough in fear. One of his hands were leaning against the wall, me under him, the other hand was on my waist. 

The hand on my waist slowly trails up my body, making me shiver. I shake my head no and flinch as it reaches my head, resting it on my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
    "Really are a whore, eh?" Schlatt smiles as he looks down at my helpless body. I was terrified. There was nothing I could do. Schlatt was a sick, sick man. But he was also smart. He knew I wouldn't be able to run to Niki about it. Karl probably wouldn't care seeing as he hasn't called me since when me and Schlatt went to the bar. Did I say something when I was drunk? Did he block me? Was it because he found out me and Schlatt were dating? I'm terrible.

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