13~ This is a Tad Awkward.

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Helllloooooo :)

TW: Pills/Vomitting/Hangover



I wake up, a pain going through my head. I open my eyes, feeling immediately nauseous. What's with me waking up nauseous. I felt weak, my head hurt, my stomach hurt, my legs hurt, everything hurt. 

I glance around, seeing the alarm clock reading 5:21. What the fuck. I lay back down into Schlatt's arms, trying to go back asleep but fail. Why the fuck can't I fall back asleep. 

I let out a long sigh, placing my hand on my forehead, trying to minimize the pain in my head. I glance over at the bed stand and see pain pills and a bunny mask. Slowly a few memories came back. The bunny mask, the masquerade... that's it. I stare at the mask trying to remember something, anything from last night. I look around, grabbing my phone off the bed stand. I put my passcode in, the home screen blinding me from how high the brightness was. 

What happened? I begin looking through my phone for pictures, anything? My call list. I quickly open my call list, sorta panicking. Why the fuck is my phone on silent? I never put my phone on silent. I immediately see two names that give me a heart attack. 

Sapnap<3 Other bff: 3 Missed calls

[BLOCKED CONTACT] 2 Missed Calls

Wilbur Soot: 1 Missed calls

Is Karl okay? I begin panicking as I quickly slide out of Schlatt's grasp, throwing on a pair of slippers, speed walking towards the hallway, walking downstairs. I sit on the couch dialing Sapnap's phone. It rings for a couple seconds before he finally picks up.

Sapnap: Are you home? Are you saf-

Quackity: Is Karl okay? Did Karl hurt himself? (I accidently cut him off)

Sapnap: Yes, Karl's safe, but are you?

Quackity: I mean... my head kinda hurts and I feel a little dizzy

Sapnap: Holy shit, were you drinking?

Quackity: I honestly can't remember anything. 

Sapnap: Yeah... Who was with you?

Quackity: Presumably Schlatt (I speak truthfully)

Sapnap: Are you serious? Schlatt? He wasn't kidding.

Quackity: What..? What are you even talking about.

Sapnap: Karl had called Schlatt and he had called you 'kinky' for some reason.

Quackity: Oh my god... I can't remember shit.

Sapnap: Then Karl had called you earlier and you had said you were with your boyfriend.

I stay silent, putting my hand over my mouth in shock, leaning back into the couch.

Sapnap: Can you remember anything from last night?

Quackity: Well... Schlatt had given me some pills because my legs hurt- oh my god. Nick?!

Sapnap: ...Do you think you did?

Quackity: I think we had sex 

Sapnap: Wha-

Quackity: I mean we've had sex before but that was consensual, I don't think I gave consent. 

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