25~Why Do I Love You?

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well I don't know what to put here except 

b e e f    t a m p o n

ew imagine the smell of that... never mind, I no longer want to imagine that... ew.... would it smell like rotting meat that was mildly heated up...? Or would it smell like a used tampon..? Or.. both....- okay I'll stop.


I wake to me hugging my body, absolutely terrified, shivering profusely. My back was against the wall, staring at the door. My head was in my knees and I felt terrible. My breathing was slow and uneven, the air being seen in front of me from the lack of heat in the room. I close my eyes hard, placing my hand on my head, the headache causing physical pain.

I feel another tear slide down my cheek as I shake my head. No, no, no, just let me go back to sleep. I lift my head again to notice the sweet reddish orange tint slowly growing across the room. Sunlight? I immediately turn my head and look up, seeing a thin window spread across the top part of the wall. I give a weak smile, watching the sunrise slowly inch towards the black sky. It's morning. It's over.

I never want to do this again. This is terrible.

I put my head in my knees, laughing a bit under my breath, snuggling deeper into my warm hoodie.

He is a sick, sick bastard, I'm glad I survived.

I curl back up into my ball, attempting to keep my body temperature. I stay completely quiet in that position, listening for any kind of footsteps. I began to hear faint, quiet, footsteps. No that can't be Tubbo. I listen more, holding my breath as they get closer. They're starting to get heavy.. I put my hands around my head and begin hyperventilating. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I hear the door begin jiggling, it starting to unlatch. The door creaks, the light pouring into the dark room. I watch as my 6'3 boyfriend enters the room, his amber eyes glaring down at me. I stare in complete fear as the man towers over me. He begins to walk towards me. I begin to crawl away, attempting to escape. Instead of escaping I end up smacking into the wall, wincing in the pain of my bruised and cut up back. 

I cower in fear as he looks over me, his face was emotionless and so was his body. He crouches down to my level, placing his hand on my cheek, cupping it. He pulls my face close to his, kissing me. I immediately pull away, hating the meaningless affection. He rolls his eyes, shoving my head back against the wall, probably giving me a new bruise. I wince in pain as this happens, holding onto my throbbing head. The migraine not going away, in fact, worsening.

I glare up at him, shaking my head every so slightly. Schlatt smiles down at me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up, forcing me to stand up. 
     "What the fuck do you want from me?" I sneer, pain going throughout my face from the cuts and bruises.
     "I mean, I can't leave you in this room. You'd freeze and I love you too much to do that to you." Schlatt smiles at me, the hold around my wrist tightening, pulling me closer to him as he practically drags me through the room. I don't fight against it, instead slowly limping towards him, making the strain on my arm being less painful. 
     "Slow down, you asshole." I mumble under my breath, tugging to try and get out of his grasp. Schlatt rolls his eyes, looking at me with an evil smirk.
     "What? Like this?" Schlatt yanks my arm towards him, straining my already cut up arm, sending extreme pain through my body. 

I scream out in pain, holding onto my arm, wincing in agony as Schlatt laughs psychotically. 
     "The fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell out at him, showing my teeth in pure anger. 
      "Oh come on, you love me." Schlatt's smile haunts me. I shake my head, closing my eyes, my anger seething. 
      "Why the fuck would I love you after last night?! You're disgusting and absolutely crazy!" I scream out at him, yanking my arm away, getting away from his hold. We sit in an uncomfortable silence, me still breathing hard from my loud yelling.
     "I didn't do anything? If anything, it was a compliment. You have a nice ass." Schlatt shrugs it off like it wasn't that bad. Like he didn't force me into something I wasn't comfortable with. Especially after an argument, especially when there was a gun involved. Why would I think it was a compliment?! 

     "Fuck you. I'm calling Nick, he's going to come and pick me up. I can't do this right now." I angerly sigh, speed walking towards the door. As I expect, I feel Schlatt grab onto my wrist, pulling me back. His hold on my wrist goes down to my hand, holding my hand. I look down in complete and utter confusion as he begins to speak.

     "I love you, you know that right?" Schlatt asks me, me still looking down at our hands. I slowly forget about what had happened, instead remembering what we used to be. Cuddling on couches, making out under trees. Holding each other's hands no matter where we were. I gently hold his hand back, turning my head, still not completely trusting him. 

     "Yeah..." I finally respond, my angry tone disappearing. Schlatt looked completely confused by this sudden mood change, but at the same time, so was I. It was... weird.. We were just screaming at each other for me to just all of the sudden feel butterflies again? No. No, he's just going to hurt me again. I need to leave, this is my chance to leave, I need... him. 

I slowly look up at him, my eyes filling with tears, hugging him, shoving my face into his chest. Schlatt stands completely stunned before relentlessly hugging me back. Schlatt pulls me closer into the hug burying his head into my neck. I let my tears run down his back and onto his shirt as I cry to him. I don't know if they were sad tears or happy tears, but they were tears none the less. 

Schlatt pulls out of the hug, mumbling in my ear in the process, "Would you want to go sit on the couch, maybe a movie?" I nod my head, sniffling a little bit. Schlatt stands up, taking my hand, holding it while walking over to the couch. 

I sit down on the couch curling up in the corner, the cold room reminding of the one I was in last night. Schlatt had grabbed one of the fuzziest blankets he could find, wrapping me tightly in it, turning on a random movie. I snuggled into the blanket, tears still occasionally falling from my eyes, holding the blanket to where it was covering most of my face. 

I watch as Schlatt returns with a sandwich, apple and some water, sitting down next to me. Schlatt sets down the water on the coffee table, handing me the sandwich and apple. I give a weak smile as I stare at the food. I've been craving food for 3 days, why all of a sudden do I not feel hungry anymore? 

I slowly look back up at Schlatt, glancing away in embarrassment. He grabs the sandwich and tears it into smaller chunks, placing them on the plate. 
     "Eat small bits while we watch the movie, just try to eat." He explains, grabbing out his pocket knife, cutting up the apple into small bits like the sandwich. 
     "Here, it looks like a lot but it really isn't." He puts the apple on the plate, separating them. I still was a tad skeptical about him, it sorta worrying me of why he was so nice after what he did. 

'Everyone deserves a second chance. No one deserves a third.' Is something my grandma used to tell me, which I've never agreed with more. But he is an exception. I love him with my heart and he loves me. I need him... he doesn't need me. If I were to leave, I'd have nothing. If he were to leave, he'd have everything.

All of my happiness would be gone. 

Everything would be gone.

My job, Tubbo, Tommy, Schlatt, everything.

I stare at the plate, thinking out everything. I glance over at Schlatt, making sure he wasn't looking, I quickly took one of the pieces of the sandwich, nibbling on it quickly. It tasted wonderful. It was turkey I'm pretty sure.

Whatever it was, it probably saved my life.

I silently ate my food, curled up on the opposite side of the couch from Schlatt, still terrified of him.

If I weren't to do that, I would've died from starvation, maybe pretending to love him was a good idea. Was I really pretending? Or do I really love him? I love him? Right? What the fuck? Why am I questioning this?  Of course I don't... I think? 


I... don't know.


well what the fuck.

summary: Schlatt let Quackity out of the cold room, Quackity hugged Schlatt, crying to him. They sat down on the couch, Schlatt making Quackity eat a sandwich and an apple, Quackity still not trusting him like at all.


Words: 1515 <3

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