7~Bffs From Hell and Back

751 41 7

Yooooo its me, Toast, back at it again! :) 

Yeah I'm going through and rewriting these so yeah

TW: none


I sit back down on the bed, trying to process all that has happened today. First Karl confronted me, then Schlatt knocked me out, now I'm presumably at his house. What the fuck. If I never picked him up from the bar, none of this would've happened. I would be doing paperwork, being a normal 22 year old. I just want to go home. 

I get up, deciding to start off the day, or the night? I actually wasn't sure what time it was, seeing as I couldn't find my phone. Is it possible to get kidnapped by your partner? Because it became evident that I definitely got kidnapped. 

I let out a sigh then look around. Schlatt's room? I walk over to the door, opening it. I walk down a long hallway, being careful not to knock any paintings over. I begin to recognize my surroundings as I began regaining my memory. Bathroom on the left. I open the left door and there was the bathroom. I'm getting good at this. I finally find the staircase, there being a gorgeous balcony. How did I not notice this the first time I came over. With my hand hovering over the wooden railing of the stairs, I walk down. 

I begin opening random doors trying to map out the large house. Holy shit is this place big. While opening random rooms I finally found the neatly decorated kitchen. Where the fuck did Schlatt go? I walk over to the curtain, lifting them up to look out for them. Hmm, I can't tell if he left or not. One of his cars is gone, though, it might just still be in the bar parking lot. I decide to go find my phone if that's even possible. 

I think I want to go hang out with Karl

After some searching, I found a note on the kitchen counter that read 

"Sorry, had to go work the nightshift, your phone is charging on the nightstand in my room, your keys are also hung up on the key rack. Schlatt <3" 

Ah, of course, the nightstand. I run up the wooden stairs and find the long hallway again, guessing to find his room. Or I guess our room? I finally the door to his room. After some searching, I finally found the bed stand, on top of it being my phone on the charger. Oh, that was sweet of him to charge it

I power on my phone, sitting down on the bed, scroll through my phone to find Karl's contact, calling him immediately. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before I heard his voice on the other end.
     "Oh my god, Quackity?" Karl's tone is excited.
     "Hey, do you wanna go to the movies or some shit?" My smile is infinite, being able to talk to someone other than Schlatt gave me serotonin. I love him, I really do, but after a while of only talking to him, it gets lonely.

      "Where are you so I can pick you up?" He questions. Should I tell him? Schlatt would physically kill me if I tell him. Would he kill me for hanging out with Karl, or would he not care? I mean he did leave me my car keys, so he must not care that much.
     "Quackity?" I hear Karl again, breaking me out of my internal thoughts.
     "Oh yeah, Uhm... we could probably meet at the bank?" I get up from the bed, running down the stairs.
     "Oh... that'd probably work." Karl answers, sounding a bit suspicious but not saying anything about it.
     "Okay! Can't wait." I answer, sliding my shoes on.

I hang up, putting my phone in my pocket. I look at my outfit, it is drenched in blood. Shit. I look around, finally finding a hoodie, throwing it on. No need to change. I open the front door, locking it behind of me. I put on my sunglasses and begin running towards the bank. This is gonna be one hell of a run

I finally reach the bank to see Karl was also approaching at the same time. Lucky timing. Karl pulls over and unlocks his doors, I jump into the passenger's seat, being careful not to be too reckless.
     "Holy shit is it cold," I mumble, wrapping my arms around my body.
     "I know right," Karl responds, turning to look at me before stopping.
     "Holy shit, Alex?" Karl says, immediately putting the car into park. Shit, I forgot. 
     "What the hell happened?" Karl practically yells, taking my sunglasses off my face to look at me.
    "Erm.... bar fight?" I respond, trying not to look suspicious. 

    "Alex, I'm not stupid. You've never drunk before." Karl rolls his eyes, putting his hand on my face again.
     "Okay okay okay..." I respond, looking away. Should I tell him?  Didn't he tell me to lie? I can't lie to Karl, he would know immediately, he's too smart for me.  
    "You're thinking again, I can tell," Karl says, his voice and tone soft and caring.
     "How the fuck did you know?" I say, hoping to change the subject.
     "You stay silent, staring into space," Karl says, glancing around.
     "And you only do it when I ask about... you know?" Karl says, trailing off.
     "Yeah, yeah, I know," I respond.
     "I'm just really fucking stupid, I get hurt way too often, you know?" I say, chuckling.
     "Hm.... yeah..." Karl responds, taking the car out of the park, realizing this convo is making me uncomfy. 

      "So what do you want to do?" Karl asks, not looking away from the road.
     "Hm... what time is it?" I accidentally change the subject.
      "Oh yeah it's 7:35," Karl responds looking at the car clock.
      "Oh... oh my god..." I say, taken aback by how long I was out for. Karl glances at me from the corner of his eye, raising an eyebrow at me.
      "Is.. everything alright.?" Karl asks, still not looking away from the road, slowing the car down.
     "Yeah..." I respond. 

It wouldn't hurt to say I passed out. I could say I hit my head on something. Yeah, he would believe that. 
       "It's weird to explain but, I accidentally smacked my head on a pole, not looking where I was going." I look at Karl. Yeah, this is believable.
      "Yeah?" Karl nods. I think he believes me.
       "And when I did, I hit it so hard I passed out," I say, smiling.
       "Oh, holy cow." Karl laughs a tiny bit.
      "Yeah I know, that was right after I left early from work too," I say laughing.
       "I'm glad you're okay though." Karl laughs, then stops,
      "But why'd you try and lie?" Karl stares at me.
       "Uhm... it's embarrassing to say, I'd much rather tell people I got into a bar fight." I say laughing.
       "Hah good point." Karl laughs. That wasn't so hard. I can get used to lying. 

       "So back on the topic of what you want to do?" Karl glances at me.
     "Oh me?" I respond, looking at him.
     "Yeah who else is in the car?" Karl looks at me, raising an eyebrow.
     "Sorry I was just thinking... again.." I apologize, looking at the setting sun.
     "Well... what would you like to do? Just me and you." Karl asks, smiling.
     "Hmm... there are not many places..." I say looking out my window. 

      "Ooh, I have an idea... a midnight picnic?" Karl suggests, his smile gleaming.

      "That sounds hella fun."


Fuck yeah! Another chapter is done. :) I am slowly going insane in real life lmao. gimme your spleen.

anyways, summary time.

Summary: Quackity and Karl are hanging out and are going to have a picnic together.

Words 1334

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