28~Just One.

428 20 3

AHA- Racism cures cancer!

also, ignore the poorly drawn picture, I'm not much of an artist.


"I'm going to be president." Wilbur's voice boomed throughout the house, everyone going immediately silent at the statement. We all stared in disbelief at the gleaming British man.

      "You're what?" I break the silence, setting down my tea. Schlatt does the same. Wilbur takes a long sip of his tea, standing up. 
      "I have a plan, if I close the ballets before anyone else can run, then boom. I'm president!" Wilbur smiles, his teeth being spotless and perfect. 
     "So... you're going to rig the votes?" I mumble, glancing at Schlatt.
     "Not necessarily.." Wilbur smiles down at me, slamming his palms down on the coffee in front of us, leaning on it and towards us. 
     "Don't you need an opponent to run against?" I ask, genuine curiosity in my voice.

     "Well-" Wilbur begins before I unintentionally cut him off. "Also, don't you need a running mate?" I bombard him with questions. The taller stares at me with his smile still on his face.
      "Actually-" Wilbur tries to speak again before I interrupt him.. again...
    "Besides, how can you just claim to be president?" I raise my eyebrow, setting my tea back down.
     "Let me-" I cut him off, intentionally this time. His facial expression still had a smile on his face, his eyes widening in frustration at me. "I feel like it's selfish for you to just claim president, I think you should have an opponent," I speak my mind, taking a sip from my tea. Schlatt glares down at me, trying to get me to shut up.

     "No-" The British man slowly gets more and more frustrated at me, me not allowing him to talk. "You know, I think I'd be a good president, It's not fair of you to just have a president." I give a smug look at him. 

     "Stop fucking interrupting me." Wilbur's frustration finally peaks, raising his voice so I was physically unable to interrupt him. His smile perfectly hid his frustration, talking through his teeth.

     "I-" I try and talk before karma hit me. "No. How's it feel eh? How's it feel?" Wilbur's palms dig into the coffee table, his frustration causing his face to be reddish pink. I glare at him, grabbing my tea, taking a long sip at it. I feel as Schlatt elbows me in the waist, indicating for me to shut the fuck up.

     "Anyways, my brother is going to be my running mate." Wilbur calms himself down, answering one of the first questions I asked him.
      "Techno?" Schlatt asks, blowing on his tea.
      "No, Tommy." Wilbur corrects him, Schlatt stops blowing on his coffee, looking up at him raising an eyebrow.  
       "Isn't he like 11?" I ask, questioning him. Wilbur stands up, no longer leaning on the table. The taller man looks at us, his brain thinking of a comeback. 
      "I mean.. he's got the spirits, the dude can fight wars if he wanted." Wilbur sits back down on his couch, patting Fundy's flowy hair. "So will my little champion." Will baby talks his teenage son, scratching his ears, annoying the ever-loving fuck out of the fox. 

    "Dad.. stop." Fundy claws at his hands, making the Brit stop petting the boy. 
     "Aha... yeah.." Wilbur puts his hands in his lap, not petting the boy anymore. Wilbur pours more tea into his glass, blowing on the hot tea. 
     "So... when are you closing the ballets?" I question, setting down my tea. I had a plan. If I could be his opponent, then I have a chance at being president. If I could get Schlatt in on it, then boom. We could put our votes together, then we'd be president.

     "I was thinking tomorrow, I already put myself in." Wilbur looks at me, obviously suspicious. 
     "I'll run against you." I set down my tea, pride in my expression. Wilbur gave a confused look at me, followed by a shock. 
     "What? No. No, you can't." Wilbur stands up, hovering over me. He glances from me to Schlatt, Schlatt's expression also filled with shock.

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