38~ It's Been A While!

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ur mom lol


The closed door creates a seal of silence, not a hint of noise leaking through the cracks of my door. The distant clock clicked ever so slightly. I glance out the window beside me, the view showing the snowy and cold atmosphere. Ah... it's fucking snowing. Of course, it is...

I feel as my body lets out an on-cue shiver through my entire body. Shifting my eyes towards the coat hanger, scanning the room for my navy blue zip-up jacket. Fuckin hell, where did I put that thing? I stand up, glancing at the chair, as I thought I had sat on it. But alas, no.

I glance over to the clock beside me, the time reading an intimidating 11:32. Fuck. I attempt to ignore the overwhelming coldness in my body as I continue to search the room. My hand grazes against my desk, feeling the temperature on the desk, the desk feeling warm to the touch, or at least warmer than my chilled skin. I stare in a puzzled expression, trying to comprehend what's happening to me. Am I sick? I don't feel sick? I've always been extremely hot all the time, what seemed to change?

I accept defeat as I sit back down in my chair, rubbing my arms with my hands as an attempt to mask the little heat I had left. The sun was seeping through my closed blinds, the atmosphere staying thick and unmoved. I can hear the faint noise of the wind outside my closed window. I breathe in deep, accepting the inevitability of the cold feeling.

Ding... Ding... Ding... I shift my gaze to the old clock, the hands reading 11:55, informing me of a new hour's beginning. Or of course, in my case, the ending of a workday. Seeing as it was Friday, It meant I had gotten off work earlier than usual. I scoop up my stack of papers, phone, and wallet, and begin to walk out of the room. I use the key I keep in my pocket and lock the door behind me. I walk towards the stairwell, contemplating the darkness that still filled them as the storm had knocked out the power from the day before.

I gain the courage and go ahead and walk up to them, contemplating the decisions that led me to this. I'll get to see Schlatt. It's worth it. It's worth it. I kept telling myself as if to keep the motivation to continue up the infinite stairway of death. Fun fact, I don't like staircases. Another fun fact, I don't like the dark.

I hear the stairwell echoing around me as I walk, my hand finally making its way to a door, grabbing onto the handle, turning it open. I walk into the room, the door leading me to a long hallway of offices. Schlatt's door was the one at the end of the hallway. It felt weird being here. Like I didn't belong somehow. Even though this office is a free roam one, meaning that anyone can go anywhere. Just because you can doesn't mean it's socially acceptable.

I end up speed walking towards the door, absolutely hating the vibe of that place.

I reach out my hand for the doorknob, hesitating for a second. I instead bring my hand to the wood of the door, giving two sturdy knocks before opening it. I slide my fingers into the entrance, slowly creaking open the door, opening it.

I watch as his expressionless face, filled with confusion at my absurd entrance, attempts to make out the body figure my shadow was cast on the door.
"Hello?" His unsure business voice was loud, authoritative beyond belief. "Whoever it is, stop being sketchy and just walk in like a normal person."

"It's Quackity," I answer quickly, peeking the rest of my head in, revealing who I was to the man. He acknowledged my existence, keeping eye contact with me whilst I entered.
"To be honest, I thought I was about to get shot, why are you so sketch," He mumbles under his breath, motioning over to the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

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