6~Unfamiliar Places

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god, I love making fun of my earlier writings, cause they were the opposite of good.

CW/Tw: Blood


I can feel my body regain consciousness as I blink, slowly trying to wake myself up. I set up and immediately feel this unbearable pain through my head, pulsing throughout my sore body. I lay my head back down on the soft pillow. I didn't recognize where I was, but I could honestly care less.

I allow my feeble hand to feel my bruised face, the skin feeling tender and rough. The skin had a thick layer of dried blood on it, someone obviously attempting to clean up the blood, failing terribly in the process. I put my hand on my forehead, squeezing my aching eyes closed.

My hand ventures beside me, attempting to find my regular lamp on my bedstand, only to be met with a pile of clothes. Huh. I move my hand a bit, attempting to find the lamp. No use.

I hear a quiet door opening, the sound of loud dress shoes clicking on the hardwood floor beside me. I force my eyes open as I attempt to see the person in the doorway. Someone sits on the bed beside me, I can feel their piercing gaze through my closed eyes.

"Who the fuck." I grumble a bit, shading my eyes from the sunlight.

I don't get an answer. Instead, I get a hand to hold. I'm confused, but not complaining. I guess he's never actually held my hand before. It was weirdly comforting. I honestly quite enjoyed the interaction.

"You doing alright?" He asks, his voice was soft and friendly. No, last time I checked at least.
"I'm just fine. How about you?" I answer in a daze, my perception of reality still slipping.
"I'm okay I guess..." He answers, taken by surprise at my woozy question. I open my eyes and look at the man, his expression is complete and utter confusion.
"What?" I ask him.
"Nothing. Just a bit confused at your question that's all." He answers back, his voice being monotone.
"Ah. My head hurts like fuck." I answer immediately afterward. He inhales a bit, looking at me with a bit of an amused expression.
"I don't doubt it. Your face is stained red." He looks over my injuries, bringing his hand to my face.
"Stained red?" I sit up a bit more, allowing him to touch it.
"Yeah? It's red. Blood. You got knocked out. It's just blood." He speaks nonchalantly bringing his hand to my nose, wiping some blood off of my face, showing me. I shudder at the sight of it, my vision becoming woozy at the sight.
"How- Why am I bleeding-!" I immediately shoot up, bringing my hand to my face to feel the warm liquid on my fingertips.
"I punched you." He answers calmly.
"You fucking punched me?!" I hold my nose, the crimson leaking onto my shirt.
"Yes, not purposely. It's not worth explaining." He sighs, checking his watch, his eyes slightly widening at the sight.
"Fuck," He answers calmly. "I have to go."

I watch as he stands up from the bed, leaning down slightly, grabbing my chin, and pulling it towards him. I parted my lips a bit, allowing him to kiss me. I grab his hair, kissing him back. My lips were warm from the blood leaking slightly on them. As Schlatt pulled away, I noticed his lips were also coated in my crimson blood.
"I would wipe your lips if I were you." I make a comment to him.

He makes deep eye contact with me, taking his finger, wiping a bit off of his bottom lip. He glances down at his finger. He makes sure I'm looking, smirking in the eye contact, putting the finger in his mouth, tasting my blood.
"Mm- It's sweet." He mumbles under his breath.
"What the fuck."
"Hm? Want a taste?"
"No, no, I've got plenty."

He gives me a small chuckle, walking out the door, latching it behind him. I watch in complete horror from the incident, immediately wiping my lips from the blood. Did that fucker just drink my blood?

I sit there in shock at what just happened. He fucking punched me. Then had the audacity to drink my blood? This day has been a rollercoaster not even a fun one either. It's like whenever you get on a rollercoaster and it fucking explodes. Yeah, that's how my day has been.


I'm rewriting chapters, don't mind me. 


Summary: Quackity is at Schlatt's house, Schlatt walked in and talked to him a bit, now Schlatt left the house.

Words: 765

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