31~Why's It Constantly Storming For Any Plot Point To Make Sense?

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Crabs would be hotter with pants. Not saying they aren't without-... but they really would be hot with pants. 


       "So, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask him, attempting to make some sort of conversation. It was a bad attempt, I know, but at least it was something.
       "You know how much I hate small talk." Schlatt smiles at me, I honestly had no clue what his tone was. It was either annoyance or happiness? Not sure. "We're picking up Tubbo today, if that counts as a conversation starter." 

       "Ah, how could I forget. You know, I really like that kid." I fix my hair in the mirror, tucking it under my beanie. My hair was a sort of mullet, covered by my beanie. I had beyond hat hair. 
       "I mean, I'd hope so. He's going to be your kid too once we get married." His comment made my heart stop, making me stop fiddling with my hair. I never thought of that. Someday we'll get married. 
       "We're going to get married?" I ask, looking at him with a combination of happiness, confusion, and shock.
      "I've been thinking about it. Though I don't know when, where, and all that stuff." He continues driving, occasionally lifting his hands off of the steering wheel, talking with his hands.
      "Yeah... Now I'll be thinking about that." I smile a tiny bit under my breath. I fiddle with my hands as we drive, my happiness becoming abundant. It's weird to think how happy I am right now. Like no duh we'll be getting married sooner or later. 

Though it's a bit odd seeing as we've only been dating for about 2 months. But sometimes love is fast. Our love has been moving pretty fast, hell, we had sex before we even started dating, thats how fast its moving. But I would say our love is beyond true. 

      "So... tomorrow is the presidentary thing." I bring up that, glancing over at him, scanning him for any kind of aggression from that topic. 
      "Shit... I totally forgot all about that." He glances over at me, his voice becoming a calmed tone. 
       "Have you decided what you would do?" I ask him, not trying to rush him on his answer, but somehow still ended up doing so.
       "I'll think about it by tomorrow." He pushes the question away, which I completely agree with. I totally have been bitching about it constantly

      "Yeah... I'm pretty excited though," I look out my window, seeing the offices in the distance. "also quite nervous." 
      "Aren't we all. It's a huge thing, we haven't actually gotten a president in a long time." He turns the corner into the parking lot, parking his car. He leans back in his seat, not bothering to unbuckle. 
     "The closest thing we have to a president is whatever that Dream dude is." He takes his hands off the steering wheel, placing them in his lap and looking over at me to talk.
      "Isn't he also like god or something." I also lean back, taking off my seatbelt.
      "Eh... Different people I believe." Schlatt fixes his hair in his mirror.
      "Fun fact I slept with that dude in college." I smiled, glancing over at the man who didn't bat an eye, hell react at all.
      "I don't doubt it, you've slept with almost everyone." He side-eyes me. He wasn't necessarily wrong but he wasn't necessarily right either. 
      "Not everyone, just a select few." I protest his statement.
      "So a select whore?" Schlatt fully looks at me.
     "For the last time, I was high, not a prostitute!" I pretend to get upset, though in reality, I knew damn well he was right.
      "You smoke pot?" He looks at me with amusement.
      "Of course I do, medical purposes of course."  I mumble the last little bit, not keen on telling him why. Truth be told, Niki gave me it for my depression, in an attempt to sooth the pain from around me. It helped, it really did. I used it every night to escape the sad crushing reality from around me. 

Usually whenever you smoke, you have someone there staying sober, just incase if something were to happen, someone would be in their right state in mind. I never had that someone. I'd get high in my dorm. When you get high, three things happen. You either get extremely happy, you go numb, or you cry.

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