3 ~What Was I Thinking? (Smut)

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Hello guys, if you are uncomfy with smut I'll give a summery at the very end :D

TW/CW: none really

Top: Schlatt
Bottom: Quackity

Degradation Kink  

Also, if anyone is just coming for the smut, I know who you are, here's the context:
Quackity is depressed, Schlatt offered him a raise if he were to be his uber, Quackity accepts, wham bam, they have sex.


I stare at the road, my face still red. I watch Schlatt stare out the window as I drive, laying his head on the glass. Should I? I think to myself hesitating. Eh fuck it. I snicker as I roll down his window, giving him a panic attack.
     "You asshole!" He snickers before playfully punching me in the arm.
     "Hah!" I laugh, focusing again on the dark road ahead of me.
     "Also do you even know where I live?" He says looking around.
     "Hah fuck no, that would be creepy." I laugh to myself, still staring at the blurry road, the colors blurring together. 
      "Okay then.... where the fuck are we?" He says staring at me.
      "Well shit..." I stare at him smiling.
      "I swear to fucking god if you say we're lost." He says, not changing a single facial expression.
     "Oh trust me, I know where I am at, the real question is where do you live?" 

I watch his face go from terror to calm.
      "Jesus- its by the bank." He says rolling his eyes. 
      "Well shit." I mumble. "Oh my god, what?" He says sarcastically.
      "We passed that by like 2 blocks." I stare at the road ahead of me, not looking at him.
      "You've got to be shitting me-" I hear him grumble under his breath.
      "Hey cunt, watch this." I smirk and turn the wheel as far as it goes and step on the gas, causing the car to drift, turning us towards where his house is.
      "Damn, that was hot" I hear him snicker from the passenger's seat. I get that he's drunk and stuff but jeez.
      "You've better believe it sexy." I glance at him and wink before both of us start laughing.

We drive for a while, bickering back and forth, the whole ride before finally making it to the bank. 

"Is this it?" I say turning into the road.
     "Yeah do you see that grey house in the distance." Schlatt says pointing.
     "Its.." I glance at the clock, "Its 9:21, all of the houses are grey." I say laughing.
     "Oh my god you fucking idiot-" He says laughing.
    "This one." He points out a 2 story house. I pull up to his driveway, parking my car. 

We sit there in the car just chilling. I mean we've been flirting all night, I wonder what would happen if I make a move?
     "What?" He says, smirking. Fuck 
     "Is it weird that I want to kiss you right now?" I smirk and stare at him. He raises an eyebrow, trying to hold back a smile.
      "That's kind of gay isn't it?" He mocks. I roll my eyes playfully and put my hand on his jaw tracing it with my hand. I watch his face flourish into a red tint. I look from his eyes, down to his lips, mapping his body. 

I hold his jaw and let our lips meet. I feel him slide his hand into my hair, kissing me back. He pulls away from the kiss and smiles. 

      "Shouldn't we go in the house?" He mumbles, undoing his seatbelt. I watch him get out of the car and slowly walk over to my side. I turn off the car, sliding my keys into my pocket. He opens my door for me, putting his hand out, seemingly wanting me to take it. I shrug and take it and before I knew it he was carrying me bridal style, my legs dangled over his arms. 

"I have legs dipshit." I mock. "Well you aren't going to in a bit" He mocks back. Damn, smooth.

I hold onto him as he carries me up his driveway, opening his door. "You're warm." I hug myself close to him, closing my eyes and smiling. "Well it is cold outside." He says back, surprisingly gentle, while also managing to sound sarcastic.

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