5~The Work Day

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lmao I changed this chapter, so the next one probably wont make sense, so just go with it lmao


I closed the car door, jogging to catch up with the man who was walking away. He was doing the fucking businessman walk. Do you know that one? That "walk" that is two times the speed of your running speed? Yeah, that's what Schlatt was doing right now.

"Fucking damn it, slow down!" I yell out at him, running towards him. He looks down in amusement at my struggling to keep up. "You~!" I attempt to breathe in from running "Walk.... really fast!" I catch my breath as he slightly slows. I hold up my middle finger at the man. He rolls his eyes smiling, covering my finger.

"You absolute idiot. I am walking away from you 'cause the building, which is mostly windows may I add, is right there. And the people who look out the window, what will they see? Two employees holding hands? Hell no." He lectures me.

I never thought of that. "Fuck, you're right." I acknowledge the obviousness of this situation. I slow down barely, allowing him to get ahead. I fiddle with my hands, unsure of what to do, for this was hella awkward. I soon take out my phone, clicking on a random ass social media.

I finally make it to the door of the building, Schlatt already out of my sight. I let out a decent sigh, looking around the gloomy office. Fuck, I have to work again. I glance down at my put-up collar, giving myself another sigh, (more like a groan), and walk towards the bathroom.

I enter the bathroom, fiddling with my shirt. How do I hide them without it being too obvious? I try different ways, all of them not looking right. I quickly turn the water to a freezing temperature, examining the bruises. I use my shaky hands and press the water to my neck, causing me to wince slightly from the pressure.

I let out a slight tear from the pain, the stressful situation, the hatred of everything around me.

That's when I hear the dreaded noise. The door opening. Fuck. Fuckity, fuck. I quickly throw down my hands, flipping back up my collar, fiddling with my tie to make me look... you know... normal-ish. Who could it be? Schlatt, Skeppy, Sapnap? I name names in my head as I see the man appear in the doorway. Goddamnit. Of course. Of course, it's him.

I watch as Karl walks in, barely noticing me before his face beams with happiness at the sight of me. "Alex?" He runs towards me, wrapping his arms around me. I was taken slightly aback by this situation, causing me to subconsciously push him back, away from me.

"Quackity?" He asks me, watching me panic trying to mentally prepare for what's going to happen next. Fuck I hope I covered my hickeys. Are my legs shaking? Do I have any hickeys anywhere else? Are my clothes wrinkled? I glance at my clothes, another tear falling down my face from stress.

"Hey? Quacks what's wrong?" He watches my panicked expression fill with complete confusion and sadness.

"I- Don't- Know- Bruise- shirt....- no-" I speak complete nonsense as more and more tears fall down my face. I attempted to talk with my hands as the situation I was in caused me to be unable to talk.

"Breath. I can't understand you when you sob." He speaks softly, his hand finding its way to my wrist.

"Ouch." I immediately pull my hand back again, this time being stopped by his advance, his hold on me strong. This made me begin panicking, freaking out more. I begin shaking, trying to back up before being ultimately stopped by his grip.
"Le-Let go!" I finally speak through the tears, trying to jolt myself out of his hold on my wrists, his face being a mixture of expressionless, a tad bit of sadness, and mostly worry.

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