42~ You noticed?

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TW: mention of sh, Eating Disorder(pretty heavy on the ed) 


I lean against the doorway of the kitchen, watching as Schlatt quickly moves around the kitchen, doing as he does when he cooks. He's always been a god at cooking. It was always nice. Though it wasn't as nice as I'd just wanted to help. Though I've never been in a kitchen much growing up I had no clue really how to cook. I had no clue how to help. 

I finally gain the courage and speak up, "Can I help?" I mutter quietly, sounding like a toddler. He glances over at me, shrugging, placing a cutting board and some peppers onto it. I smile, sitting down at the counter, beginning to cut my peppers. 

      "So, what exactly are you making?" I ask him, cutting swiftly down the vegetable, cut in nice even lines. 
      "Not sure." Schlatt mumbles, continuing to do as he does, "It looks good though."

I laugh a bit, shaking my head, continuing to cut the pepper. 

      "Jeez, for someone who doesn't know how to cook, you really have the cutting motions down!" He says this, smiling, my face drops to a shocked expression, his still not understanding. 

     "Plenty practice," I mutter quietly, cracking up to myself. He turns back to the pan before freezing, quickly turning around. "Alexis!" Schlatt finally understands what he had said before, his face a shocked amused expression. 

I burst out in laughter, seeing as Schlatt was in the state of not knowing whether to laugh or to feel bad. As I do that, Schlatt also joins in complete shock in his laughter. "That's awful!" Schlatt mutters, still laughing. 

I finish cutting all of the vegetables, giving them to Schlatt, him adding them to his creation.  The food looked and smelt great, I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked amazing. 

We all sit at the table, something we've never really done. Or at least, I've never really done. Even from when I was a child I never had sat at the table. I wouldn't say my parents were bad, but I will say they weren't good either. 

My childhood wasn't the best. I smoked my first cigarette at 8 and did weed at 12, I truly grew up too fast. Nowadays I can't even look at a cigarette I have such bad memories with them. It doesn't help that Schlatt smokes anytime he gets the chance. My parents encouraged it, they were too busy snorting cocaine to take care of their literal child. I was more than happy to become an adult and move on with life.

The food was, as you'd expect, great. I really didn't get much, as I was afraid I'd throw it back up, but nonetheless, I still ate. Which truly was a big step for me. I never ate. If I did, it would be a small protein bar. I lost count of the days. It was long enough that it felt like my stomach was going to implode from the pain. I would often feel like I was going to vomit. Leaning over the trashcan, sobbing from the pain. I didn't understand. Why couldn't my body be normal and just eat? Why am I blaming my body for something that I had done to myself? I know damn well I did this to myself and I should be learning the consequences.  

I stayed quiet most of the time at the table, my fork laying gently in my shaken hands. I'd occasionally take a bite if no one was looking, or if Tubbo and Schlatt were distracted with each other to notice me. Their conversation was about Tubbo's School, how Puffy was doing, and stuff like that. 

    "How about you Quacks, how are you?" Schlatt turns over to me, my hands laying in my lap, watching them talk. "Uh... I'm alright, the food is amazing." I smile at him, taking a small bite out of my food to show I did indeed enjoy it. I glance down, looking back up at him. 

    "Thank you, you helped make it too." His voice was gentle, not the usual booming businessman voice I was so used to. He was amazing at switching tones at an instant. I smile, glancing over at the wall, back at him. "Oh yeah. I did." 

He turns back to Tubbo, talking to him once again, me taking another bite. I'm still not sure exactly what it was, but it was delicious. I loved it. 

Once dinner was finished, I had gathered all the dishes, carrying them into the kitchen, Schlatt taking a washcloth and wiping down the tables. 

I set down the dishes on the countertop beside the sink, filling the water to about halfway, beginning to slide them into the warm tap water. I roll up my sleeves, dipping my hands into the water, the heat burning my skin. I continue to clean the dishes, contemplating my existence as I go. 

I hear Schlatt's footsteps enter the room, his shoes clicking against the floor the hard floor under us. Schlatt never took off his shoes, unless he was asleep, they were always on. I turn my head a bit, watching him walk beside me, placing his hand lightly onto my face, bringing it up to his, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. My face lights up a light red, smiling a bit.

     "You still blush when I kiss you?" He takes note of my face, his neutral expression fading to a smile. 
     "Uh... Maybe?" I giggle quietly, quickly turning back down at the water. He still stands next to me, smiling, taking the dishes in the drying rack and placing them in their corresponding cabinets. 

After he was done putting the dishes away, he leans against the counter, watching me do the dishes. "So... how confident are you that we're going to win the presidency?" He asks, watching me. 

     "Overly confident," I answer simply, turning to him, placing a clean plate into the drying rack. He simply nods, smiling. "I wonder how the voting is going." I wonder, glancing out the window. 
     "Probably good." He answers, shrugging his arms. 

I place the last plate into the strainer, draining the water, taking my hands out of the warm. Schlatt opens a drawer beside him, throwing out a small dry washcloth, me barely catching it, wiping my hands off. 

The room's silence was deafening, the breathing of both of us quiet. "I wonder where Tubbo went." I attempt to fill the void of silence by asking the simple question. 
     "He's in his room," Schlatt answers simply. Schlatt turns to me again, the silence returning.

Schlatt opens his mouth as if he wanted to say something, his mouth retaining a slightly ajar expression, closing his mouth, looking down at the floor. "Yeah..." He mutters, looking up at me again.

I acknowledge the fact that he wanted to say something, ultimately not. I study his expression, watching the way his face had the look of slight worry, yet a hint of pleasantness.

     "I know you want to say something, you can say it, I don't mind." I finally speak, the room's silence returning after that statement. I watch as he lets out a sigh. What kind of sigh? I'm not sure. It was relief, but also a bit of sadness. 

     "Thank you." He mumbles, turning his head a bit, closing the kitchen door, leaving us in this room. 
      "For?" I ask, honestly confused by this interaction. 

He breathes a big breath, the uncomfortable silence in the room. "Thank you," He swallows the air a bit, glancing out the window. "Thank you for eating when Tubbo was around, I know it's a struggle for you, I appreciate it, I appreciate it a lot." He nods slightly, his gaze looking me in the eye. 

He approaches me, wrapping his arms around me gently, I felt tears form in my eyes, my eyes getting that glossy look. 
    "Ah..." I mumble, putting my arms back around him, hugging him back. I blink, feeling a tear stream down my face, my face was buried deep into his warm grasp, the somber feeling going through the air. 

    "I didn't think you noticed..." I muttered quietly, watching out the window beside us. 
     "Of course I noticed," He says quietly, 

     "I love you..." 


ah, sorry for not uploading for a while, I've been working on my book on my second account, I have it in my reading list, it would mean a lot if you were to check it out <3 

Summary: Tubbo, Quacks, and Schlatt all eat dinner, afterward Schlatt comments on Quackity not eating, they're crying and holding each other in the kitchen and Tubbo is in his room doing god knows what.

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