The Masquerade Pt. 2 (SMUT)

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Yes, this picture is indeed different. I drew this one like a year later where my art style got better. Or worse, either or, not sure. 

CW/TW: Drunk Sex, Alcohol, Pills

Bottom: Quackity
Top: Schlatt

Quackity and Schlatt go on a dinner date to a bar, they go home, and have secs. Plus, there's a warning thingy differentiating the smut from the normal book, I would scroll pretty far down for it lmao.


We walk to the entrance, still holding hands. Me huddled right beside him because of how cold it was.

We enter the loud building. The sound of music, the sound of talking, the sound of wine glasses, was insanely loud. Schlatt led me to a table where we had sat down.
      "So what exactly is this?" I lean over and ask him.
     "Well, the whole 'masquerade' thing is a theme, see how everyone is wearing masks." He answers, pointing at random people.
     "Yeah but what do you do?" I ask.
     "Well, dancing, drinking, talking, just partying in general." Schlatt glances around the room.
     "Ah, makes sense." I talk loud, the noise being insanely loud.

A waitress walks over to our table, looking at us.
     "Would you boys like a drink?" She asks, her wearing a revealing bunny outfit with a bunny mask.
      "2 glasses and a vodka please?" Schlatt asks, grabbing out his wallet.
      "Will that be all?" She asks looking at us.
     "Yeah." Schlatt nods, glancing at me. The waitress walks away, writing stuff down on her notepad.
      "Vodka?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
     "Eh, first thing that came to mind." Schlatt shrugs.
     "Isn't that like, insanely strong." I ask, looking at him.
     "Yeah, you take a lime afterwards."

He sets his hand on mine, I turn my hand over and interlock our fingers.
     "Ah, yeah I've never actually drank before, I think I've told you this before." I look at him.
     "Yeah you've told me that before." Schlatt turns his head to look at me.
     "Yeah, it sounds fun." I smile.
     "Depends on the circumstances." He nods his head. I look around at all the people with masks on, them all talking with their drinks. I glance at my watch, it reading, 7:14, the sun being fully set.

The waitress comes back with two glasses full of ice, and a bottle of vodka, setting it down on the table.
     "Will that be all?" She asks, her hands on her hips.
     "For now, thanks." Schlatt nods his head at her.

      "They just give you a whole bottle?" I raise my eyebrow.
     "Well they do here." He grabs the bottle and the glasses, taking his hand off of mine to open the bottle.
     "Babe, don't you need a bottle opener-" I begin before I see him open it with one hand.
     "What can I say, I'm an alcoholic." He shrugs and laughs.
     "That's some skill right there." I laugh with him. He pours us both a shot and hands me mine.          "Ready?" He holds his and I hold mine.
      "Mhm." I prepare.
      "3, 2, 1" Schlatt counts down.


We both down the shot, me barely being able to get it down. God it burnt. It burnt really bad. I cough and blink my eyes rapidly as I see Schlatt not show any pain from it.
     "How the fuck." I was surprised.
     "I've gotten good at it." Schlatt nods at himself.
      "Are we doing another one?" He asks, looking at me, making sure I'm okay.
     "One sec.... yeah." I blink my eyes rapidly, trying to stop the burning. He shrugs, pouring another one, handing it to me.

We continued to do shots until I was 5 in and he was 7 in.

      "Holy shit." I mumble, putting my hands through my hair.
      "You alright?" Schlatt asks, focusing his eyes on me.
      "Yeah, I kinda wanna go dance, wanna go with me?" I get up, looking back at Schlatt.
       "Eh, I'm not a good... dancer.." Schlatt pauses a bit. I shrug, grabbing his hand, pulling him up from the seat. I hold his hand, leading him towards the dance floor.
     "Quackity, I really can't dance." Schlatt warned, me still dragging him towards the dance floor.
      "Neither cannnn I." I slur my words a bit.

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