2~That Night

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I'm writing this instead of doing my project that's worth half of my grade lmao. 


Schlatt. What could he possibly want? I quickly answer the ringing phone, pacing throughout the office. 

Schlatt: Hey shit face!

Quackity: Hey Schlatt

Schlatt: Hello

Quackity: You ready you alcoholic?

Schlatt: Yeah, thanks again

Quackity: No problem man.

Schlatt: So uh how long until you are gonna be here?

Quackity: Probably like 5 minutes?

Schlatt: Alrighty sounds good

Quackity: Can you talk to me while I drive up there?

Schlatt: Of course.

We talk on the phone while I get into my car, throwing everything that was in the passenger seat into the back window, turning on my car. 

The drive there was eerily creepy, the darkness of the nighttime sky against my bright headlights causing all the colors to blur together. I hate the night. I truly do.  

"Hey, I'm driving into the parking lot now, I'll see you in a second."

I hang up the phone, sliding it into my pocket. I carefully examine the parking lot, most of the cars being there. I give myself a small smile, trying to listen to Niki and smile. I do need to smile more.

My antidepressants had finally decided to work, not failing me like they were doing for weeks before. It was terrible. But right now, I finally feel normal. 

I park my small car in the parking lot, locking it. There's no use being robbed by a bunch of drunk men.  I always hated the bar. Don't know why, just did. I quickly walk across the gloomy darkness, the only noise being my feet against the black pavement. I open the door and glance around the people looking for the 6'3 ram. I honestly was surprised how quickly I found him. 

I walk up behind him, he was talking to some random people. I put my hands on his shoulder to get his attention.
     "The fuck?" I hear him grumble and whip around confused.
    "Oh it's just you-" He says and looks at me. I grin and look at the dude he was talking to.
    "Soo Schlatt? Is this Uhm... your husband or something?" I hear the person joke. I watch mine and Schlatt's faces burn a bright red as I remove my hands from his shoulders.
     "No." I hear him sternly say, with no hesitation.

"Uh, he's my boss?" I say, confused at the comment.
     "And?" I hear the man with brown hair say and smile, joking around. 

I watch as mine and the man's eyes meet. Wait. His smile fades a bit, not completely, but a bit.
      "I recognize you..." I continue to look into his eyes. Oh god. "Quackity?" The man continues to look me up and down. 
      "Yeah..." I mutter, not keen on people acknowledging me. 
       "Wow, I could barely recognize you." He chuckles to himself  "I don't see you around the office too often, what happened to you man?" 

I decide to pull up a chair and sit with them. "Yeah, I don't... know... I guess I've just been working a lot lately." I shrug, putting on a small smile. 
      "Do you remember me?" The man asks. I exhale, shaking my head in defeat even though I tried to remember, I truly did. 
       "Wilbur, Wilbur Soot, I moved here from Britain 3 years ago. We work in the same office?" He tries to get me to remember him. 
       "Wow... you don't remember me?" He asks, sounding astonished. I glance down to the floor and back up at him, trying to remember. 
       "No... I can't remember anything that far back." I speak truthfully, yeah, I know that 3 years isn't 'far back' but for me it is. Everything has happened in three years. Everything.

      "Yeah..." I mumble looking down at the ground. 
       "So are you guys dating?" He brings that question back. Both I and Schlatt look at each other and back at him. 
        "Goddamnit- for the last time, no." Schlatt finally says, not finding much humor in it at all. But for me, I found way too much humor in it. 
        "What! You guys would be a cute couple~" He looks both of us up and down. Both I and Schlatt made awkward eye contact. "I'm going home," Schlatt says, getting up. I quickly follow behind him, obviously looking suspicious. 

"So uh who was that?" I ask while still raising an eyebrow, walking through the dark parking lot. "Oh, it's one of my friends, Wilbur to be specific." He says turning to face me.
"Ah, he seems fun." I chuckle.
"Oh, it depends on the day." He jokes back at me.
"You know this parking lot is hella sketchy." I shiver and stand right next to Schlatt.
"Yeah you should see it on a Saturday, it gets real fucking busy." He says, still looking down at me. 

Jesus Christ this man is tall compared to me.
"This car right here," I say pointing at my car.
"Ah, alright." He says walking towards the passenger seat. I unlock the car and we both get in. 

I start up the engine and we sit there and warm up for a second.
"Holy shit is it cold outside," I say and put my head on my headrest.
"Oh my god, I know." He says practically mocking me.
"Aw fuck off I get cold easily," I say putting on my seatbelt.
"I could've given you my jacket?" He grins.
"Oh fuck off, that's gay." I laugh, declining his offer. I put my hands on the steering wheel.
"And what's wrong with that?" I hear him taunt from the passenger seat. I completely freeze and see him staring at me.
"Oh?" I turn and face him completely.
"You gay?" I teased.
"Depends." I hear his flirt. I raise an eyebrow and nod, smirking. What the fuck is he trying to hint at. I began to drive before stopping again and see Schlatt still staring. 

I laugh under my breath and wink at him, half-joking, half seeing where this whole flirting thing would go.

I watch him smirk at me before glancing out the window, laying his head on it.



Summary: Quackity is picking Schlatt up from the bar, they are in Quackity's car.

hahahahhahahahah Kinda rewrite? Like I went in and fixed some things? Idk man what you would call it lmao.

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