41~ Debate Pog

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The drive didn't take long, plus getting the ice cream, the time was only 2:40, the call time being 2:50, the actual thing starting at 3. We sit in the car for a bit, in a random parking lot. Eating our ice cream.

     "So how is school treating you? Have any friends?" I ask him, glancing over at the boy.
      "Oh school's pretty fun, and as far friends go, no. Not really. I have Tommy and Ranboo." He answers, looking back up to me.
      "What about you? Do you have any friends?" He asks, watching me freeze. This question caught me off guard, I didn't expect it. Which, to be honest, I have no clue how to answer.
      "No... not really," I answer truthfully, smiling weakly at the boy.
      "That's okay, I'll be your friend." Tubbo looks over at me, smiling greatly.

His response truth be told made my heart warm up. He was truly a sweet kid. I usually hated kids, but he was different. 

      "Thank you." I quietly say, smiling greatly under my breath, taking another bite out of my ice cream. 
      "I already know Tommy, tell me about Ranboo?" I ask the kid, watching him pet his bee plushy he always brought along to everything.
      "Oh, he's awesome! He's Technoblade's kid. Tommy and Technoblade are siblings so I guess that makes Ranboo Tommy's nephew." He giggles a bit. "We all three hang out, we just look past the part that they're related." 

     "I didn't know Techno had a kid," I answer calmly. "Yeah, he adopted him about a year ago. Phil helps take care of him." He smiles, watching me.

     "Ah! That's really neat." I smile, watching out the windshield, glancing down at the clock, the clock showing 2:45. "We should head inside now." I look at the boy, "Make sure you have your L'manburg pin!" I look at the boy, who places it neatly onto his "suit". 

We both get out of the car, walking towards the courthouse which was strangely enough elevated above the ground. It was bizarre how it even held its own weight. L'manburg was an extremely strange place.

Tubbo and I scaled the large staircase, me holding his hand in case he fell. As soon as we entered the building, Tubbo got wisped away from my grasp, immediately being taken to the other side of the courtroom, me being seated on the opposite side. 

As we had all been sat down, the door swings open, all of the cameras around the room shooting over at the door. Who entered? Nonother than Mr. Prince GeorgeNotFound. His beautiful crown lit up the room with its enchanted expensive jewels, his cape flowing behind him, people quickly rushing behind him to take it off and hang it up. The prince got quickly escorted to the seat right next to mine, as he was my running mate.

I and he exchange quick hellos, giving each other a quick side hug, smiling as we hadn't seen each other in a while. Seeing as he was currently being turned King in the coming year, Dream getting turned to a knight, we never got time to hang out. Dream was always head over heels for this boy, as I could see why. He was the definition of beauty. 

I look around the room, spotting my enemy, Wilbur Soot. I smile at the man, lifting my hand as a weird wave. Or a way to acknowledge his existence. Instead of waving back, he quickly turns his head as a silent 'fuck you'. My eyes widen as I smile a bit, nodding slowly, amused at the fact that his childish tendencies still stayed after all of these years. This man was our president. He acted like a kid in elementary. 

I watch around, seeing as a lot of people actually took our side of the courtroom was a surprise, as usually, people didn't like me. Then again, I have George on my side, how hard can this be? I glance up at a camera that was pointed directly at me and George. I give a smile at the screen, giving a thumbs up. Did I have a reason to do this? No. It just felt right.

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