35~Getting Glass, Not Ass

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Becky lemme smash.


I walk to my office, the stride being a weird mixture of confusion and curiosity. What did the rest of that note say? Is Karl still missing? Where is Karl? Am I dreaming? I must have been dreaming. I must still be dreaming. I'm going to wake up any second, I know it. 

As I think, or as lack of, I bump into something, sending me tripping over my feet, dumping the rose water down onto the water, shattering the glass against the hardwood, a shard finding its way into my hand.

     "Fucking hell..." I murmur under my breath as I regain my footing, holding my already bloodied hand, the blood streaming down my arm. I quickly noticed the blue rose had begun to turn a purple-ish-red shade from the amount of blood that's been spilled on it.

     "Fuck!" I exclaim out at no one in particular, more or less at myself. At myself for being so fucking clumsy all the time. My hand was already fucked up and I could tell my day soon was going to too. I quickly fall to my knees into the glass, trying to scoop up the delicate flower. I instantly wipe as much off of it as possible. Fuck.. fuck, fuck, fuck...


I hear someone above me clear their throat, the voice being a highish tint, though I knew he was the higher authority. 


I hardly glance up to see the demon hybrid, holding his hand out for me to grab. I watch in complete confusion, my hair being a mess, my bloodied apparel, my dismay at this flower, this was no way to present myself to the BadBoyHalo. 

I give a quiet cough as I regain my footing using his hand. I watch as he briefly looks at his hand before wiping it on my white undercoat, the blood leaving a handprint. Shit forgot about that...

"Are you alright? I can go get the broom if you want?" He answers in a friendly tone, a tone of voice that anyone would want to be friends with. It would be a bit odd for me to be friends with him, seeing as he's the same authority as Schlatt. Then again, you saw what happened with me and Schlatt. 

"I got into a little fight..." I underestimate my 'little fight', holding my rose in my hand, brushing the glass off my legs and hands. 
       "A little?" He raises an eyebrow at my statement. 
       "Okay, maybe a medium one," I answer back, glancing to the side for a second.
       "Ah... that's more of the answer I was expecting. No, I meant the rose." He points down at my navy blue flower that looks like it's about to die any time soon.
       "Oh, someone gave it to me, it has sentimental value, or else I wouldn't be kneeling in glass to pick it up," I answer to him, showing him the flower. 
        "Interesting." He responds blandly, touching the blue petal, I watch as a small smile forms on the demon's face as he looks at the flower. He acknowledged the joke, presumably amused by it at that.

      "Ah, I shouldn't bother you then." He looks down at my bruised and bloodied knees. Half of the marks being from the glass, the other from Schlatt. 
      "Are you sure you don't need any help?" He offers help. This man has a truly kind heart. It's sweet having him talk to me. As someone who was into heavy drugs, he didn't much care for me. Seeing as his son was constantly hanging around me and caring for me at that, he especially didn't much care for me. 

      "Actually... yeah, would you mind grabbing the broom," I speak towards him, nervous to look this man in his eyes. "That would be pretty nice."

The demon man gives a simple nod before walking towards the janitors closest down the hall, grabbing out a broom and dustpan. 

I attempt to pick out as much glass as possible, questioning what led me to this. I pick out the glass in my hands, soon going to my legs. I could tell this will be painful as all hell tomorrow. Fuck we're picking up Tubbo today, aren't we? I glance at the clock. I still have about 6 hours to get everything done by noon. Wait, it's only 6? I could have sworn-  I swiftly glance out the huge window beside me. It was pitch black outside, the sun barely peaking out. What..? I could have sworn I had watched the sunrise with Karl. Where's Karl? 

     "Alex." The voice fazes through my inner monologue, the broom being held up to me to grab.
      "Sorry. Glass. Hands. Bloody. Ouchy, ouch." I answer in complete nonsense, pointing at my hand. He gives me a puzzled look before slowly handing me the broom. Fucking hell, like I hadn't embarrassed myself enough, I pull this? God, I hate myself. 
       "Did you hit your Muffinhead or something?" He asks me, pointing to my head and slowly taking the rose out of my hand, holding it for me.

I give a deep inhale, staring at the floor, breathing in to try and answer in a normal sentence.
     "No, I am fine. Thank you." I quickly thank him as I grab the broom, promptly cleaning as much of the glass and blood as possible, Bad watching beside me, holding my flower. I sweep it all into a pile, I had blood dripping down the handle, smearing the red liquid on the floor.

I shutter in annoyance, throwing down the broom, picking up the glass with my hands.

       "Quackity!" I hear Bad call-out above me, pulling me backward away from the shards.
       "What? As if my hands aren't fucked up enough!" I exclaimed, throwing my bloodied hands in the air.
      "For one, gosh darn it Quackity, Language! For two, don't mess up your hands more!" His voice was decently high and panicked, holding my hands up and away from the glass. 
       "Either way I'm bleeding on the floor," I mutter under my breath, staring at the man.
       "The floor is fine. I just want to make sure you are fine." He gave a small huff out, reaching over with his ridiculously long arm, grabbing a couple of tissues from the box beside us. 

He quickly wipes the blood from my hands, taking the pieces out of my hands. He sighs in a bit of annoyance, sitting down on the floor and moving me to his lap. The strength he had to just pick me up was frightening. He had me laying all the way down his lap, holding onto my hands, picking out the shards one by one. It was painful as hell. 

      "Ouch," I say in a monotone voice every time he takes a shard out, one because I hate this, two, because I hate this. 
       "Shush. I know it hurts. I'm trying alright." He mutters at my annoying remarks. 

As he pulls out the last shard, I make expressionless eye contact before saying, you guessed it. 



wow I haven't posted in a hot minute ey?

Summary: Quackity had watered his rose, he broke the cup it was in and the glass had gone into his hands, BadBoyHalo had found him and picked the glass out of his hands.

I've been on a mission of asking famous people their favorite types of poptarts, here's what I've got so far. I'll add once I get more famous people to answer me. Please carry on my poptart legacy. 

LordMinion777: Brown Sugar Cinnamon
DanPlan: Brown Sugar Cinnamon
FoolishGaming: S'mores (used to be Cinnamon)
Connoreatspants : "They're cool" 
Awesamdude: "Pretty pog." 

Words: 1266

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