33~ Guess Who?

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Someone tried to jump me lmao. Let's just say my 6'5 muscular dad was having none of that shit. :) Yeah... not successful to say the least


His grip on my lower arm causing pain to be shot up, the pain going through my entire arm, the grip being impressive.
        "Schlatt! Could you maybe let go of my wrist a little bit, I'm not going to try to escape." I whine up to the man, trying to pull away from his grip.
         "Bullshit. I let go, you're going to book it down the stairs." The man doesn't bat an eye, glaring down at me. "Besides, why would I ever let you out of my sights after that shitstorm?" 
          "I'm sorry, he was calling me a whore?" I ask in a question, arguing with the man. I was attempting to keep up with him, while also trying to escape. 
          "I'm sorry, you broke his jaw?" He mocks me, also asking in a question. "I don't care if he called you a 'whore' sweetheart, no one does. It's the matter of you drawing blood. If you're going to president, he can easily use that against you." The angry ram complains, the hold on my wrist somehow getting tighter. 

I watch as he abruptly stops, making me practically trip over myself. I watch as he smiles down at me. I've never seen someone smile in sarcasm, but now I have. 
         "You do realize how much I hate you right now. Right?" His voice was booming with confidence and hatred. I knew he meant it. I sunk down in the weight of his disappointment.
         "Fuck you." I mumble under my breath. Before I knew what had happened, I felt as my back had hit the brick wall beside us, pinning me back against the wall. His grip on my wrists were above my head, him glaring me down.
         "Don't fucking talk to me like that ever again." He pushes harder against my wrists, causing me to flinch moving my head to the side. 

I attempt to squirm to get out of his hold, him moving his body against mine, making it impossible to get out. 

I breath in heavily, holding my breath in fear. 
          "Sorry sir-" I talk quickly, completely terrified shitless, not planning on getting backhanded today. Though I know it's gonna happen. He's mad. He's extremely mad. 

His hold on my wrists pulls away, giving me freedom, stepping away, glaring down at me. I hear him grumble something under his breath, shaking his head. At first I was happy with the freedom, then the fear overcame me. I have no flashlight. I glance up at the man, him already beginning to walk away. 
          "Wai-Wait-" I call out for the man, him barely glancing back. "I can't do the dark..." I mumble quietly.

I watch as his expression softened and he looked down at me with pity. He shook his head, putting out his hand for me to hold. I quickly grabbed onto his hand, him pulling me towards him. His walking slowed down, allowing me to catch up rather quickly. I mumble a quiet thank you as we reached his office door. 

Truth be told, these stair cases weren't as big as you'd think, it was just my mental capacity slowing time down. 

The unlatching of his door was filled with pure and utter pity. Not for him, for me. I walk in with my head hung low, disappointed with myself as much as he was with me. He sat down in his chair, grabbing out a paper from under his desk. The paper read 'Negative Behavior In Office' sliding the paper into his hold, quickly reading over it.

He barely glanced back up at me, still holding the paper. "I'm not going to give you any freebies just because you're my boyfriend." He grabs his pen. "Goddamnit." I mumble. You could really only get three of these papers before getting fired. The way the system worked was the higher you were in the system, the less trouble you'd get in if you got into a physical fight. Seeing as Schlatt's had multiple.

      "So, explain the situation and I'll decide whether you're the asshole, or he is." He clicks his pen open, looking down. 
       "Well, he was calling me whore, he grabbed onto my shirt, he told me to slit my wrists, so I slit his instead." I talked decently fast, but slow enough he'd be able to understand me.

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