Chapter 2

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Hyerin woke up to the sound of Neji barking right at her face

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Hyerin woke up to the sound of Neji barking right at her face. She slowly opened her eyes, both brows furrowed.

"Neji, why are you barking at my face?" she said huskily. She rubbed her right eye before deciding to sit. She glanced at her dog before yawning, heading straight to the bathroom to take a quick bath.

As soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, Neji immediately ran towards her, barking again while wagging her tail. She just chuckled at her dog's cuteness.

"Are you hungry? Well, me too. Come on, let's eat breakfast." she said going to her apartment's kitchen. She poured dog food on Neji's plate before making breakfast for herself.

While waiting for her bread to pop out of the toaster, she ran back in her room to get her phone. The card from yesterday's event caught her attention.

She held it in her hands, staring at it. Maybe i should give it a try... she stared at the card until she smelled something burning, cutting Hyerin off her trance.

Her eyes widened then ran back to the kitchen, i forgot i was cooking eggs too, shit. she mentally cursed herself.

She lifted the pan placing it on the sink, she sighed, "Guess i have to it my bread plain then," she shrugged before stuffing the bread in her mouth.

After eating, she just washed her mouth with a mouthwash then kneeled infront of Neji.

"Neji, i'm going to school now, okay? Take care of our house, if someone breaks in bite their legs, okay?" she said to her dog.

Neji is a smart dog, she is also trained for her own good. Hyerin started training her when she was a little so Hyerin trusts the dog, good thing that Hyerin don't have to hire a caretaker for Neji every time she leaves her apartment.

Neji just barked at her, signalling that she understood what she said. Sometimes, Hyerin would think that Neji is woman stuck in a dog's body because of her intellegence.

Hyerin just smiled at the dog, kissing her head before leaving for school.

"I hate school, ugh. How can i skip school without failing my year?" she mumbled to herself while walking on the corridors of the campus.

You should take Zena's offer. she laughed at her own silliness. Accepting the offer to be a trainee just because she wanted to skip school? The laziness is on another level.

"Hey, Bae!" her bestfriend, Seonmi, greeted her with a wide grin flashed on her face. Hyerin stared at her friend, confused.

"Wow, you're actually smiling. You won the lottery, yet?" she asked. Seonmi just rolled her eyes at her friend but the grin on her face remained.

"So, look what i found on the internet today." Seonmi said, Hyerin just gave her a confused look. Seonmi fished out her phone inside her pocket, tapping here and there before turning the screen towards Hyerin's face.

"NCT Dream's Jaemin seems to have an interest on one of their fans at the fansigning event...."

Hyerin just rolled her eyes at the silliness of the article, picture attached below was her and Jaemin besider her, talking to her.

"I swear, media now a days... He's just asking me about Neji because apparently the guy likes samoyed. He even said he's Neji's boyfriend," she deadpanned. As soon as she entered her classroom, all eyes were on her already. She ignored all their stares as she walked towards her table.

"Aww, Neji having a boyfriend first before you. A hot boyfriend on that one, lucky Neji" Seonmi joked before sitting on her assigned seat which is just on her left.

"I have to tell you something important, i need your honest, rationale about it." Hyerin said at Seonmi. Seonmi looked at her nodding, she was about to speak when the teacher suddenly entered their class.

"I'll tell it to you after class, we'll talk in my apartment," she said while pulling out her textboom from her bag, Seonmi just nodded in response.

I hope she can help with it..

Lame chap lmao, filler chap becoz y not coconut

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Lame chap lmao, filler chap becoz y not coconut. Meet Cha Seonmi, Hyerin's bestfriend.

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