Chapter 32

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“You just have to do it inside my innocent mini room,” Taeyong said in disbelief as soon as Jaehyun walked out of his room, Hyerin trailing after him

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“You just have to do it inside my innocent mini room,” Taeyong said in disbelief as soon as Jaehyun walked out of his room, Hyerin trailing after him.

“Fuck your innocent, i'm not taking on your bullshit.” Jaehyun mocked rolling his eyes on the older. Taeyong just rolled his eyes back at him.

The two were too busy bickering with each other while Hyerin on the other hand was too busy typing on her phone.


Baebae, where are you?
Are you okay?

Wait, what happened?

Daehwi's stupid extra
loud ass gathered someone's attention and then some
fans recognized us so
we ran our different ways
to easily lose the fans that's
been chasing us.

Hey, i'm fine. I'm with Jae
and Taeyong.

Oh, good to know.
Come back at the dorms
as soon as possible.
The three of us are here already.
Stay safe!

Will do, b-bye!

Hyerin immediately shut her phone off after bidding her goodbye through the texts. When she lifted her head to look at Jaehyun and Taeyong, the two are still bickering like a married couple making Hyerin roll her eyes.

“You guys fight like a married couple, do you know that?” Hyerin interfered making the two boys stop and look at her in disgust.

“The hell are you talking about you little witch?” Taeyong said, Hyerin glared at the boy before averting her gaze to Jaehyun. A pout now visible on her face.

“Jae, he called me a witch!” Hyerin complained, trying to act cute but the two just laughed at her antics.

“You basically bewitched me so...” Jaehyun said, shrugging. Hyerin's mouth went agape for a moment before glaring at the guys.

“So, you two are ganging up on me now, huh?” Hyerin scoffed, a brow perking up at the two guys. The two of them just looked at each other shrugging before giving Hyerin a menacing look.

“Whatever,” Hyerin said, rolling her eyes at the two before slouching on one of the couches inside Taeyong's mini studio. Jaehyun and Taeyong just laughed at her annoyed state before Jaehyun decided to approach the girl.

Jaehyun crouched to give Hyerin a kiss but Hyerin immediately avoided it, Jaehyun just chuckled before sitting beside her.

“Do you want to go back at the dorms already? You still need to rest, the shoot is tomorrow,” Jaehyun said, a hand going on Hyerin's thigh massaging it affectionately.

“Okay...” Hyerin said lowly, her eyes growing drowsy by the second due to the tiredness she's been feeling.

Jaehyun lightly tapped her head, giving a peck on her forehead before standing up. Hyerin let out a yawn before standing up.

“Here, wear this.” Taeyong said, standing too close infront of Hyerin putting the cap in her head. Hyerin tilted her head up to give Taeyong a cute smile but before Taeyong can even reply Jaehyun pushed him out of Hyerin's face.

“Stop hitting on her,” Jaehyun said, annoyance visible on his tone and his face. Taeyong just raised both of his hand while chuckling at his annoyed state. Jaehyun just rolled his eyes at the older before grabbing Hyerin's hands, intertwining it with his.

“Bye-bye, oppa!” Hyerin exclaimed while trying to look back and waved at Taeyong. Jaehyun on the other hand just tugged on her hand, fastening his walk.

“You really like to push my buttons, Bae?” Jaehyun asked, his grasp tightening. Hyerin eyed him in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Hyerin innocently asked but the truth is she absolutely know what he was talking about.

“Nevermind,” Jaehyun muttered, puffing out a breath in annoyance before dragging Hyerin at the back of Taeyong's studio where a black car was parked.

Jaehyun opened the door to the passenger seat, not muttering a word and not even throwing a single glance at the girl. Hyerin looked at him, amusement visible on her face before going inside the car.

Eventhough he's annoyed, he's still a gentleman. What a cutie. Hyerin slightly chukled at her own thoughts earning a confused look from Jaehyun.

“You look happy,” Jaehyun pointed out, starting the engine. He slightly glanced at Hyerin before giving his full attention on the road.

“Because i've got a good dick,” Hyerin blurted out. Jaehyun just smirked at her remark.

“I can give you a good dick right here, right now.” Jaehyun bluntly said. The pace of the car now slowing down.

“Stop it, you're driving.” Hyerin pointed out, giving the guy a side glare before averting her gaze outside the window.

“That is why parking is a thing, baby.” Jaehyun retorted earning a hiss from Hyerin from his snarky remark.

“Shut up or i'll make you,” Hyerin threatened, Jaehyun just scoffed at her threat.

“Oh, please, do make me.” Jaehyun mocked.

“JUNG JAEHYUN!” Hyerin hissed, annoyed at the guy's antics already.

One minute i've been pissing him off and then in just a blink of an eye he's already pissed the hell out of me.

“Annoyed already, Bae? Oh, how the tables have turned.”

Y'all, im so happy to know that someone's actually reading my worrrk

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Y'all, im so happy to know that someone's actually reading my worrrk. LOOOOL.

we’ve reached 700 reads!!!

Thank you for reading my work, lovelots!!!


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