Chapter 15

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"Breaking News: NCT's Jaehyun rumored to be dating a female trainee from the same company

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"Breaking News: NCT's Jaehyun rumored to be dating a female trainee from the same company.

On the 29th of November, NCT's Jaehyun was seen inside a convenience store with one of SM's female trainee...."

"Yo, we saw the article. Uhm, are you fine?" Nishiya asked as soon as she entered the practice room.

Thankfully, the picture was blurred and she was wearing a mask and a cap and Jaehyun's built was the only one recognizable in the picture.

The picture that was attached in the article were pictures of her and Jaehyun walking together, entering a convenience store and the last one was her and Jaehyun waiting at the bus stop.

She was unrecognazible as her face was covered with face mask and she was wearing a cap but, her built and long hair was enough to tell that Jaehyun was with a girl.

"Yeah, i'm fine. I've made a wise decision of not reading the comments and just sleep because i don't want it to affect our practice and Friday is just one day away so... I don't have time worrying about the rumor," She explained, the three girls smiling and nodding at her.

"That's good, i'm worried you've read all the bad comments. Don't let it get to you, okay?" Nishiya said, Hyerin just smiled at her before nodding.

Nishiya smiled while brushing her hair with her hands, she then pulled the younger in for a hug. The twin joining them.

"Group hug!" Daehwi exclaimed. Hyerin just smiled at them. Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the practice room.

"Where's Bae Hyerin?" The staff who entered ask. Hyerin just raised her hand.

"Come with me," The staff said before stepping out of the practice room. The three girls looking at her, worry visible on their eyes.

"I'll be fine," She said, she softly smiled at them before following the staff.

When she stepped out of the room, the staff started walking and she just followed. When they reached the a certain room the staff opened the door and motioned her to enter, she just muttered a small 'thank you' before entering the room.

Inside the room were staffs from SM and Jaehyun with his manager.

"Bae Hyerin?" There are three unfamiliar faces inside, the one who called her name has a long straight brown hair.

Hyerin bowed at them before nodding her head at the woman as a response, the woman motioned for her to seat and she obliged.

She glanced at Jaehyun, who was just staring at her, before returning her gaze at the woman.

"Are you dating Jaehyun?" The woman bluntly said, Hyerin was taken aback by her straightforwardness, not being able to answer immediately.

"I told you already, we're not dating." Jaehyun interfered, a frown visible on his face. The woman ignored his words and continued to talk to Hyerin.

"You're not answering. So, it's true?" The woman asked again, intimidating Hyerin. Hyerin cleared her throat before talking.

"Uhm, i... Uh-- No, ma'am. I was just taken aback by your question but to answer that, what Jaehyun sunbae said was true, we're not dating." Hyerin answered looking straight at the woman's eyes. They locked eyes for a moment; the woman staring at her eyes to know what she was saying was true, Hyerin staring at the woman's eyes to convince her that what she was telling was true. There was a long pause of silence before the woman and nodded and started talking again.

"Looks like you're saying the truth but, why are you with Jaehyun last night?" The woman asked again.

"There were actually eight of us last night. We ate outside last night after practice and after that we decided to go home but since i was taking a different path because i wasn't living at the dorms Jaehyun sunbae decided to drop me off at the bus stop." Hyerin explained, the woman just raised a brow at Hyerin. Hyerin was nervous but she hid it very well.

"Why?" The woman asked again, Hyerin saw Jaehyun shifted at his seat in her peripheral vision.

"What do you mean why? We finished eating late, the other guys have some business to do and i was the only who's free and i can't let her go alone because as you can see, she's a girl. It's dangerous for her to go alone and being the gentleman that i am, i volunteered to drop her off the bus stop to know that nothing bad won't happen to her." Jaehyun spat, brows knitted together and ears turning red in annoyance.

"But you know there will be---" the woman was cut off when Jaehyun talked again.

"Rumors? Fuck the rumors. Is that more important than your trainee's safety? Yeah, i don't think so." Jaehyun said, annoyed.

"Well, he has a point. If something bad was to happen to this trainee we'll lose it bad. I've seen her talent, she's a literal gem plus the visuals. Uhm.. let's just deny it." The man beside the woman who keeps questioning them said.

"Yeah, let's just deny it." the other one said, Hyerin exhaled deeply. The woman stayed quiet for a while thinking about what the others said.

After a while, she nodded while looking at Jaehyun and Hyerin.

"Very well, we will go with that. But, i hope this served as a lesson for you two. I don't want you interacting with each other that is visible in the public's eyes that will cause another rumor. No going out with each other and other idols too, Hyerin. You're still a trainee you should focus on your trainings and as for you Jaehyun. Focus on your recordings and practices, i don't want any rumors spreading that is connected with you. NCT 2020 will be released next month and we don't want rumors affecting your promotions. That's all, you may now go." The woman instructed. Hyerin stood up, bowing at the three staff before stepping out of the room.

She was walking back to their practice room when a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, i'm so sorry about the rumors." Jaehyun started, looking at her eyes straight. Hyerin just gave her a small smile before talking.

"It's alright, sunbae. It's all my fault anyways." Hyerin chuckled, Jaehyun was about to talk again when his manager called him.

"I'm so sorry, i'll text you later. I need to go now." Jaehyun said, he squeezed Hyerin's arm before walking towards his manager. She felt her stomach flipping because of the squeeze on her arm.

"Well, shit..."


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