Chapter 35

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Hyerin slightly moved when she felt something poking her head, she slightly squinted her eyes when the bright rays of the sun enveloped her vision

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Hyerin slightly moved when she felt something poking her head, she slightly squinted her eyes when the bright rays of the sun enveloped her vision.

When she finally adjusted to the light she lifted her head, the smiling face of Jaehyun was the first thing she saw, automatically smiling at his happy mood. Jaehyun leaned down to give a peck on her lips.

"Good morning," Hyerin greeted, giving Jaehyun a cute smile making the latter chuckle at her cuteness. Jaehyun kissed her forehead, a warm smile plastered on his face making his dimples show.

"Greetings from your handsome and breathtaking boyfriend," Jaehyun hoarsely said, arrogance written all over his face.

"Oh- Did Shawn Mendez greeted me!? Where is the video!?" Hyerin said teasing Jaehyun, the latter's face fell into a frown, giving her a what-the-hell look.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jaehyun said, giving Hyerin a look.

The girl just gave him a sheepish smile before saying, "I thought you said greetings from my handsome and breathtaking boyfriend?"

Jaehyun slightly nodded, raising a brow at her before talking, "Yeah, and?"

"And so i thought Shawn Mendez sent a video," Hyerin said, a taunting smile formed on her face.

"Oh, you're definitely getting this dick," Jaehyun said hovering on top of Hyerin, the girl laughed heartily trying to push Jaehyun.

"No, Jae! I was just joking!" Hyerin squealed pushing Jaehyun away from him but the guy just stayed there unbothered.

"No, this'll teach you listen to not mess with the Jung Jaehyun," Jaehyun arrogantly said before diving in to capture her lips in a wild kiss.


"Good afternoon, lovebirds." Daehwi sleepily said when both Hyerin and Jaehyun entered the kitchen, the tall girl looking like a dead corpse passing by the couple. The two just gave her a confused look until she disappeared from their sight.

The two just continued their way until they reached the dining hall where the rest of the people are loudly eating there.

"Why the hell are you here?" Jaehyun asked when he saw Johnny, eating on the far side of the table scooping on his soup while spacing out. Johnny snapped out of his daydream when he heard the voice of the guy.

"What?" Johnny asked raising his brows at Jaehyun. Jaehyun pulled a chair for Hyerin letting her sit first before sitting beside her.

"Why are you here?" Jaehyun asked again, not sparing a glance at the spacing out giant, he was busy putting foods on Hyerin's plate.

"I have hands, you know?" Hyerin snickered beside him, her eyes following the movements of Jaehyun's hands whose busy filling up her plate.

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