Chapter 27

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"Oh god

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"Oh god..." Hyerin moaned when she felt Jaehyun enter a finger on her wet womanhood.

"You are so wet and i didn't even do anything." Jaehyun said, staring at his finger get soaked by Hyerin's essence. He added another finger making Hyerin breath out a moan.

"Fuck, babe. You're so tight around my fingers..." Jaehyun said, his pace getting faster. Hyerin clutched onto Jaehyun's shoulders tightly, her nails dug on his flesh making Jaehyun hiss.

Jaehyun was too busy, focused on pumping his fingers in and out of Hyerin's wet womanhood when a knock on Hyerin's door was heard.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your fucking but Hyerin manager is here," They heard Daehwi's familiar bitter voice outside. Jaehyun just shrugged what she said and continued finger fucking the girl. Hyerin heaved out a deep breath trying to maintain a straight sentence.

"Jae, stop..." Hyerin whimpered, Jaehyun just smirked at her before leaning in to capture her lips for a kiss. Hyerin then kissed back not too long after, moaning in between the kisses.

Hyerin was clenching around Jaehyun's slender fingers, he knew she was about to come and so he decided to stop making Hyerin groan in disbelief.

"Jae, what the hell!" Hyerin exclaimed glaring at the boy, Jaehyun just shrugged as a response before licking her essence off of his fingers.

"Later, babe. Let's head out first." Jaehyun said, a mischievous grin visible on her face. Hyerin just rolled her eyes at him before standing up.

"Get out, i need to change." Hyerin said in monotone before pushing Jaehyun towards her door.

"Can't i watch you change?" Jaehyun teased earning a slap on the arm from Hyerin.

"Shut up, i'm not dealing with your horny ass right now." Hyerin hissed back making Jaehyun chuckle at her annoyed state.

"But i dealt with yours earlier... How unfair, Bae." Jaehyun asked faking a disappointment in his face.

He is indeed an actor. Hyerin said mentally. She rolled her eyes at Jaehyun before opening her closet.

"You edged me, no fucking for a month." She deadpanned making Jaehyun's eyes widen, his mouth hung open.

"A month! Babe, that's too long!" Jaehyun whined, a pout forming on his face. Hyerin just smiled at him sweetly, sneakily opening the door behind him.

"Not my problem," She said before pushing Jaehyun out of her room. Jaehyun stood there for a second, not processing what just happened. Before he can even enter the room, the door was immediately shut right infront of his face.

"My gosh, Bae Hyerin." Jaehyun whispered at the door before making his way to the living room. He heaved out a deep sigh before flopping down on the couch. Right beside Saehwi and Jungwoo who's being all lovey-dovey and shit infront of his face.

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