Chapter 9

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"What's up?" Jaehyun asked as soon as he was infront of her

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"What's up?" Jaehyun asked as soon as he was infront of her. Hyerin glanced above before answering.

"Uh, the ceiling?" Hyerin jokingly said, Jaehyun just shook his head while chuckling at her silliness.

"Your sense of humor is wow. It's a chef's kiss," Jaehyun said, motioning the chef's kiss. The girl just laughed.

"I know, right. Y'all can never." Hyerin replied, sassiness on her tone before flipping her hair. Jaehyun laughed loudly causing for the others in the room to look at their direction.

"Jaehyun only laugh like that once in a while. It's either because of Jungwoo or Jungwoo's sense of humor," Yuta said to the three girls. All four of them looking at the pair who are too engrossed with their jokes with each other. A huge smiles platered on their face.

"They look good together though," Nishiya whispered, the other three nodding in agreement. As they all stare at the pair, they couldn't help but imagine how much of a power couple they will be, if ever.

"Jaehyun seems interested in her," Daehwi concluded. Yuta nodded at her.

"He is," Yuta replied, the three girls no staring at him in confusion. Yuta just glanced at them before bringing back his gaze at the pair who's now laughing together.

"I've never seen Jaehyun smile like that, take note he was the one who also approached her first. He even remembered her name. Jaehyun isn't like that, when he's not interested words just enters his ear and then exits the other. If he's not interested he would usually cut the conversation short with his dead end replies." Yuta explained.

"Jaehyun would rather text someone or scroll through his social media on his phone, he doesn't really like talking to people." He added.

"He doesn't really like interacting with other girls, as it will cause some rumors about him dating. You know how this industry works, rumors spread fast. And it may upset Czennies' feelings, he really cares about our fans."

"Yeah, that was so funny. Taeyong even told us he was disappointed because there was no bread given to him that day." Jaehyun laughed while reminiscing their past as a rookie. His smile faltered when he remembered their tough times, Hyerin noticing his change of mood she immediately asked.

"What's wrong?" Hyerin asked, concerned visible on het face and tone. Jaehyun just shaked his head, forcing a smile.

"Come on, it's fine you can always tell me, sunbae." She said, a soft smile plastered on her face making the guy's insides melt.

"I-i.. i just--- i-i just remembered those times w-when.. when we just debuted a-and people thought we were the biggest downfall of SM... We were just a waste..-" Jaehyun was cut off by Hyerin, "But look at you now, you're one of the biggest group in South Korea. You guys are one of the most successful group in Korea- no, let me rephrase that, in the whole world. You worked hard and now you're getting what you deserved." Hyerin said while staring at his eyes intently to let him know that she was sincere with what she was saying.

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