Chapter 14

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"Thank you for the treat, sunbae

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"Thank you for the treat, sunbae." The four girls bowed at Taeyong. Taeyong insisted to pay for their food saying it was his treat for their hardwork for the day.

"Oh, Hyerin you coming with us?" Nishiya asked, all eyes were now on the youngest. Hyerin just shaked her head as a response.

"You're not staying at the dorms?" Johnny asked.

"Yep, i have an apartment but, i'll move at the end of the month." Hyerin explained. Johnny just nodded her head.

"Well, i'll see you guys tomorrow. Be careful on your way home." Hyerin said, a soft smile plastered on her face.

"What? We can't let you go alone. We'll get you a cab." Saehwi exclaimed. Hyerin just shaked her head.

"No, no. I'll be fine, i still need to buy a few things and besides it's only 8 pm. It's still early, i'll be fine i promise." Hyerin said.

After minutes of convincing and reassuring the older ones, they decided to go back in the dorms, reminding Hyerin to call them when she got home.

"You know what, i'll come with you." Jaehyun spat making the others look at him.

"What? No, it's---"

"Yeah, i think he should come with you. Just let him come with you," Johnny cuts Hyerin, the others nodding at his statement.

"Uhm, i--.. uh, are you sure, sunbae? I.. uhm, it's fine with me but i think---"

"Okay then it's settled. Take care of her, sunbae. We'll be going now." Nishiya said, kissing her cheeks the twins following.

"Can i kiss her too?" Johnny asked. Hyerin blushed at his statement while the three girls just gave him a weird look.

"What? Shut up, man. Let's go." Taeyong smacked the taller guy's head before pulling him to walk with them.

Hyerin and Jaehyun just waved at them and stared at their figures until they were nowhere in sight.

"So...?" Jaehyun trailed off, awkwardly looking at Hyerin. The girl just smiled shyly at him before looking away, staring at her shoes as if she's interested on it.

"What are the things you're suppose to buy?" Jaehyun asked, staring right at Hyerin.

"Oh, uhm. I need to buy some snacks, my friend said she finished all of my chocolates and some sodas." Hyerin said, Jaehyun just nodded before lending his hands at the girl. The girl just looked at his hands before looking at his face, confused.

"Give me your bag, i'll carry it for you." Jaehyun said. The girl just waved her hand.

"Uh, no, it's fine, it's not that heavy---" Hyerin was cut off when Jaehyun suddenly grabbed her bag and hanged it on his shoulders. He was about to grab the box of chicken Hyerin was holding when she moved it far from his reach.

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